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I closed my eyes strongly, kind of like preparing for the impact to happen, but Jake quickly reacted and drove the car away from the red Ferrari that was about to crash against us.  

Jake then suddenly stopped the car, parking it near the sidewalk, fortunately we all were wearing our seat belts so no one got hurt, it didn't take him longer than a second to unfasten his seatbelt, open the door and go to the back to check on the kids.

I just turned around to see whether or not they were fine, Jared's eyes were open like big white plates, and Jennifer who seemed a little more relaxed from one moment to another started to cry her eyes out.

— Are you ok? What happened? — Jake asked desperately due to Jennifer's reaction.  

—My dress— she said crying whilst facing her dress totally ruined by the fallen cake, it was impossible not to laugh. 

—Don't cry little one—I told her tenderly  —we'll just clean it up — I said.

—But...— she said still crying 

—Look—I got out of the car   — Should we change seats Jared?— I asked him and he immediately agreed  —I'll help you out— I got in, grabbed a few napkins and started helping her get the cake away from her dress. 

— Everything ok?— Jake asked and both kids agreed with their heads – Not everyone- I thought to myself, Zack will regret this.  


—Thanks — I said getting out of the car

—Lou— Jennifer called me

—What's up?— I asked smiley — Will you come to visit tomorrow?

—I don't decide that —I answered her question staring at Jake

—No— he answered serious —I finally have a break from her tomorrow, plus I have to work—  he explained to Jennifer who was looking at him with puppy eyes. 

—Please— she insisted

—Lou is fun— Jared added

—No— he said again —you both have to got to school and do your homework. 

—It's Friday tomorrow

—Kids— I interrupted — do as your brother says, I promise that I'll visit you soon, alright?, Gyllenhaal open the trunk  —  I said and started to walk to the back of the car. 

— Why?— he asked getting out of the car. 

—I left a few bags in there earlier— he opened the trunk and as I said there were about 10 bags from different stores lying there. 

—You're obsession with shopping isn't normal. — he said whilst I started getting rid of the ugly black boots and putting my high heels back on.  

—Oh yeah?, you're not normal either.— I took off the other boot, turned around and threw them in a trash can.

— Why are you throwing them away?— he asked curious

— You hated them, so they're useless— I told him giggling. I grabbed all the bags  — see you— I kissed his cheek and started to walk to my house.


— Where?— I heard my mother's voice whilst going upstairs. 

—I was at Ja...

— Alright, fine I'll tell someone to pick it up for you don't worry — it was her mobile she was talking to, surprise, surprise  — sorry darling, what did you say? — she said covering the microphone from her phone. 


"I'll pick you up tomorrow, ok?" I read as a new message appeared on my phone.  

"Don't even ask, it's done" I answered

I carried on changing my clothes, I was tired. Actually annoyed. We spent most of the day answering that annoying project, the only thing I wanted to do is to sleep.

"Alright, and so?, how was today?" I laid in my bed with my phone on my hands  and started to type. 

"Excellent, actually so good that I can assure you that you lost the bet. Don't be surprised when Gyllenhaal admits to be madly in love with me." sent.  

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora