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—Don't take too long — She said kissing me. 
—I won't — I confirmed kissing her again.
—You're so dramatic — Christian said and Tiffany laughed. — He'll go tot he bathroom, that takes less than two minutes and you say goodbye as if you won't see him in days.  
—Mind your own business — Lou said punching him playfully 
—Leave them alone—Tiffany said before taking his hand and making him walk to the dance floor. Which was in front of us now, we were now inside. 
I kissed her softly, whilst she did the same.
—I'll go with you— She said whispering in my lips 
—No—I laughed —not here— She sighed annoyed and kissed me again — Let's go home — Three hours here had been enough. Say yes, say yes. She bit her lower lip and looked at me.
—I'll go say bye to Christian and I'll wait for you in the car — She said kissing me again before getting lost in the crowd.
I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I was trying to remember Christians directions to find the bathroom until I finally found it, I opened the door and the light was off, so I came in. 

I finished washing my hands and turned around to dry them up. Immediately after I left the towel hanging there again, the lights went off. 
—Shit— I said as I thought the power had gone out. But it wasn't like tat because I could still listen to the music downstairs. I walked a few steps trying to reach the door, since it was completely dark I couldn't ay anything. 

I touched the knob, but a pair of hands stopped wrapped around my waist. They went up and down slowly, which made me relax. 
—You said you'd wait in the car — I obtained no answer, she just started kissing my neck. I decided to just let her be. 
She started to push me slowly to the back until I crashed with the toilet seat. She made me sit down. I was waiting for her to come to me, it was so annoying not being able to see her. I was about to stand up when the sound of a zipper ging down made me stay where I was. I felt her hands on my waist again and then she sat on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her naked was it and started kissing her neck — Is this a different perfume? — I asked in between kisses. 
Her hands messed up with my hair,  i felt her kiss my cheek, my forehead, my lips. I tried to kiss her back but she carried on kissing me all over the place. The feel of her tongue on  my skin was making me get goosebumps. She was playing with the edge of my shirt, so I decided to help her get rid of that. She was touching every part of my chest, whilst she kept playing with me, making me want to kiss her, but just when I was about to she kissed somewhere else. 
Finally I grabbed her head and kissed her. I quickly got away from her. When I felt the alcohol on my mouth... Alcohol? - Fuck Jake!, you realice until now? . her taste, her smell, her kisses even the texture of her skin, her size, her weight, everything was different! Fuck, it wasn't Louisa. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora