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— Why not Jake? — I said sadly

—I don't like that kind of stuff Louisa— he said annoyingly


—If you want to go,  go— he placed his arms on my shoulders but I quickly moved away 

—I did go paint balling when you asked me to. — I reminded him when we played painball and he rolled his eyes.   —It even took me hours to take all that pain off my hair —I stood up —you're so unfair — I said and then started my way to the kitchen. Where Jennifer and Jared were.

—This is different Louisa...—he followed me but I just ignored him  

— How is it different?

— Are you angry ant each other? —asked Jennifer with a tender face.

—No Jennifer...—I said and then saw Jared —I'm sad— I sat beside them and Jake just saw me with his "you-won't-convince-me" look . I was sure I was going to convince him. 

— Why are you sad?—they both asked worriedly  

—Because, there'll be this ball, and I got my dress and shoes and everything.— I said looking down  —...and Jake doesn't want to go— I said making a sad face. . —he said that I can go alone, but I want to go with him.  — Jake started to burst out laughing.

—You're so dramatic— I stood up and kissed each kids' cheeks who were staring at Jake telling him "take her" and I stood in front of Jake. 

—You really can not imagine how much I want to go to that ball— It was true  —but I wouldn't go without you— I said tiptoeing to be able to give him a peak on the lips. Jake laughed when he heard the disgusted noises from the kids. I ran upstairs to what was my current room. I was sad, I threw myself to my bed. The incredible themed ball was in two days. "Montecarlo" themed ball, even before Zack broke up with me, I had already picked my dress. And I imagined Jake with his tuxedo, it just made me sigh in sadness.

—Louisa — he said knocking on the door.  

— Nobody's here!—I said and the door suddenly opened letting me see Jake lean on the door. He smiled at me and I turne around so that I wouldn't face him, I didn't want to see him.

—You mad— I felt his hand on my waist  —I'm not— I said turning to him.

— Sure? —he said laying by my side.  

—Sure— I affirmed and he hugged me from the back. 

—Perfect— he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and standing up.  —One question— he pointed at me and I just stared at him. — Where can I get a tux in two days?  — A huge smile appeared in my face and then it disappeared.

—Don't joke about it...— I said angrily 

—No— he laughed —the thing is, I have this stubborn girl home and I'll take her because it's really important for her. — I smiled once again from ear to ear. 

—Thanks Jake—I said standing up and ran to his arms.

—Under two conditions— he said biting his lower lip 

— What? — I asked smiling 

—I don't dance— he looked at me and I laughed. 

—Ok...— I didn't have another option... 

—And only if you come dan sleep with me tonight.— My stomach started to do flips inside as well as mu  heart, I wish I could. 

— What about your sibling?

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora