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I turned around and saw him, and remember the amazing time we had on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yes we went out the whole weekend. 

He invited me to diner on Saturday again, and this time he got revanche by telling me he didn't know me well enough to kiss me and on Sunday we just hung out in his house, so we were with the kids.

—No Christian, I can't keep playing with him...— I turned around again and I immediately got surprised and covered my mouth with my hands  —Fuck Christian—I almost yelled complaining about him not telling me that Tiffany was there.  

—Sorry, I thought you weren't saying anything anymore — he said with his eyes open like plates.

—I-I'm... sorry—said Tiffany nervous —I didn't mean to listen— I covered my eyes desperately and once again turned around to walk to my locker ignoring Tiffany calling me.

— Bad morning? — I loved to feel his breath against me ear.

—Awful—I confused sighing 

— Did someone bother you? —he asked serious.

—No—I laughed —I just had a problem with Christian that's all— I took out a book from my locker.

— Sure?


—Alright— the bell rang which meant we needed to head to class, we had physics together. so there we went. 

—Hey, where're you going?

—My seat— I answered obvious and he denied with his head, he told me to go with him.

— Really? — I asked really surprised, he wanted me to seat by his side.

—Really— he affirmed and I followed him. 

—Move— he told a geeky guy seating next to his usual seat. 

—But there's two seats in front...— he pointed at them. 

—Move— he repeated, I was about to tell Jake to seat in front when the guy shyly stood up, grabbed his stuff and left. 

—You're a bad boy Jake— I said laughing.

—Seat— he told me offering me the seat behind him. 

Class started, this was the first class of the day and I wanted to leave already, actually we all did. The teacher was explaining a couple of formulas for us to learn and apply to some exercises and she couldn't stop writing on the blackboard. The white chalk did a terrible noise it was so annoying. 

Jake annoyingly threw his head behind, and I didn't think twice about messing with his hair. 

—I love your hair— I confessed whispering in his ear, he turned to see me and smiled. 

Then he looked back at the blackboard, I could see the skin on his neck now, and started to massage it with my fingertips making him shiver.

—Stop—he whispered.

— You don't like it?

—Yes, but...—he shivered again 

— Are you ok Mr. Gyllenhaal?— everyone started looking at Jake who just said yes with his head. Everybody stared back at the teacher excepto for Christian and Tiffany who were still staring at us. I was really mad. Christian surely already told her about the bet, which was a huge problem.

I stopped bothering Jake to begin to write everything that was written on the board on my notebook, it would take me a while, it was full of info. 

Two loud knocks on the door made me jump a little and we all looked at the door to see who it was, we were all hoping it was something that the teacher needed to go to so that we didn't have class today. 

The door opened letting me see my ex boyfriend. 

—Can I borrow the football players... — he said with his sexy voice 

—And cheerleaders— Casy added.

—Go, you're a cheerleader — Jake said pointing at the door. 

—Go, you're a player— I said and he laughed

—Not anymore—he was lying.

—Me neither then—I smiled —I have no one to cheer for anymore 

He denied with his head  and stood up, so I did as well.

—We have a game on Wednesday, so you have to wear your uniform that day.   — said Casy.

— You made us come out of class for this?— Jake said — couldn't you wait for the end of the class or do it in lunch time? — I turned to see him talk to Zack, it was the truth, this was a waist of time.  

—Please— said Zack  — if you really cared about school you wouldn't be two years behind. — Jake should have already finished. 

—Shut up idiot, unless you want me to punch you—he said walking to him but the other players stopped him. 

I turned around and walked to Jake. 

—Louisa, I'm not finished —  Casy said and I just told her tu shut up, and the I just heard Tiffany tell her she'd tell me later. 

—Jake— I walked to him until I reached him.—Let's go-—I told him, I didn't want him to get in trouble, because I was completely sure Zack wasn't going to shut up  —he's not worth it— He placed his arm on my shoulders 

—...You didn't use to say that— what he hell did he want? did he actually want to be punched in the face? 

—Alright asshole— everything happened so fast, in three secos Zack was being punched by Jake in the hallway, right across the classroom.

— Jake! —I yelled frustrated, he shouldn't do this, not here or he'd get in trouble. But not even the other players could stop them.  

Now there were 8 of us waiting outside the principal's office waiting for him to tell us off. 

— What happened now? — the principal asked Jake sighing. But everyone started to talk at the same time, Jake started to discuss with Zack again, they both stood up willing to turn the principal's office into a boxing ring, but once again everyone tried to stop them. 

-— Stop!— the principal yelled making us all pay attention to him.  — NEXT ONE TO SAY A BAD WORD WILL BE SUSPENDED AND HAVE DETENTION FOR TWO WHOLE MONTHS!— we all shut up and he started at me surprised.

—I don't understand why you Mrs. Smith are involved with this uncivilized people. — he said denying with his head. 

—She's not involved with anyone —Jake defended me —the thing is that this as... —he thought about the words he was going to use. 

— This what huh? tell me — Zack stood up again trying to provoke him — weren't you a bad boy, come on say it so that you can finally leave — he started snapping his fingers at Jake, and once again Jake threw him on the floor, and he fell with him, Jake was staring at me and Zack punched Jake on the jaw. I closed my eyes, I was pissed, couldn't he ignore him and avoid all this problems?! 

— Stop it now!— the principal yelled again — What's wrong with you?, if you don't control yourselves you'll both be expelled, I won't allow this kind of behavior in my campus! — he was really mad  — Leave now!— everyone got out of his office,Jake stood up, leaving Zack on he floor and sat by my side again, the principal stared at us. Another one of this fights and he'd have a heart attack. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora