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—He's got a music store, he's an orphan, he takes care of his siblings as if they were his kids...  — I was halfway through the stairs when I heard her starting to enumerate his "flaws"  —He rides a motorcycle and what in the world is he thinking wearing those clothes!— I closed my eyes trying to get my thoughts together and tolerate her and try to be patient—I don't ever want to see you anywhere near him in or out here — I lost it

—I don't remember to have ever asked you for permission to go out with him—I turned around and looked at her. 

—Well you should, however even if you did or did not ask for permission it's a no.

—I think I didn't quite explain myself well mum —I closed my eyes again. Sanity come to me —I'll say this once and once only, and it's going to be as clear as water for you to understand.—I sighed —I like Jake, I'm crazy about him and I'm not getting away from him just because you don't like him. 

—Now it's my turn to clear things up for you... I don't want you near him, he isn't good fro you. 

—Please— I said ironically — You think you know what's good for me! — I laughed bitterly —You barely remember I exist!  —her eyes opened, she got really angry. 

—Don't say stupid things, I already told you, you live under my roof you follow my rules! — she turned around avoiding me and started to look away with a victorious smile. 

— Oh! so that's it? — I yelled angrily —Well that problem just found a solution— I ran upstairs ignoring my mother saying " don't you talk to me like that", "come here right now", "Don't leave me here talking alone Mrs!". How dare she ask me not to leave her talking alone when she did just the same thing when I was 6 years old. She thought Jake's flaw was to take care of his siblings because they lost their parents... the same happened to me, because as much as she tried, as much as I tried, I was also practically an orphan.

I threw a huge suitcase on my bed whilst angrily cleaning off the tears off my eyes, It wasn't just for the things she said about Jake, I've been carrying this feelings throughout my whole life and this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Not even looking, I threw as much clothes and shoes as I could and put them in the suitcase. I took everything that would be necessary, took my car keys. It took me a while to try to close the suitcase, but I couldn't so I just grabbed another one from my closet and threw the half of the clothes in the other one and a couple more stuff and finally closed them and went running downstairs with my both heavy suitcases on my hands.

—Please— she cracked up  —stop saying and doing stupid things— she said making fun of me when she saw me coming downstairs.

—They are not stupid things, maybe for you everything I say it's stupid but at least I try to spend time with you —my stupid tears kept running down my cheeks — but I don't give a shit after all — I said walking to her  — we're used to it anyways, you don't have a daughter... I don't have a mother. 

I drove as fast as I could, which wasn't the most intelligent thing to do given the circumstances. It was raining like crazy and I was crying like crazy. I suddenly stopped the car, and it stared to skid, but I didn't care. I just drove out of the highway, where was I going? it was 11 pm and I was parked on the highway in a dark street with high probabilities of getting my car stuck in the mud.  

I placed my arms on the steering wheel and I leaned my face in them and cried and cried and cried some more. 

They weren't sad tears, they were angry tears. But they became sad tears when I remembered how lonely I was. Not just alone in my car, on the highway, but in life. 

I couldn't call Christian because he'd get me back home or Jake because he'd tell me off. 


Jake's POV

I took off my jacket and shook it out the house for all the water to come off of it.

—I'm sorry— I told Dan when I saw him enter the room.

—Yeah whatever—he said annoyed, he put on his jacket and walked back to the door  —you know what...— he said turning to me  —I'll charge more— he pointed at me —I'm a good nanny and I work extra hours. 

—Are we seriously going to talk about that— I told him laughing and he just came out of the room and closed the door. The kids were probably asleep already.

I came up to my room being as quite as I could. I changed my wet pants for a dry red long (basketball kind) shorts and a white shirt.

I took my wet clothes and went back downstairs to leave them on the laundry room. 

I was almost on the second floor when I heard the door bell ring. Fuck, I really need an elevator, I had to go back downstairs. Maybe Dan forgot something. 

I opened the door and Dan wasn't precisely who I saw standing in front of me. 

Her eyes were red, her make up was all over her face, she had tears all over her eyes.

— Louisa! What happened? —I asked a little scared since I left her in her house perfectly alright about 30 minutes ago. 

—I'm sorry Jake, I really am— she apologized crying her eyes out. I just hugged her. I didn't care if I got wet again and go up and down to leave clothes on the laundry room, I just hugged her. 

— Why are you apologizing? what happened? —I said desperately reacting to her tears.

—I'm sorry, I had nowhere to go and I didn't want to be alone and, and...-she muttered crying —... I really didn't want to be alone.

—Calm down—I said making little circles on her back — do you want to talk about it?— I asked with a soft voice, I didn't want to overwhelm her. 

—I fought with my mum...—she said a bit more calmed now. 

—Don't cry, you'll make up— I said trying to cheer her up.

—N-no—she said with a sad voice —I won't go back

—Honey, we all have problems with our parents— I said

—I just came to ask you to to let me stay here for one night, here with you—she cleaned her tears, her eyes were even more red now.  —I'll look for a hotel tomorrow and maybe an apartment, I don't know, something.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora