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His hands were now on  my hips and I immediately recovered my sense which I had lost seconds ago. 
— No!— I said moving away quickly, I practically jumped from the bed.
—Louisa...— He said surprised. 
—I'm sorry... I shouldn't have...— I paniked. I wasn't going to do the same Jake did to me 
—Don't apologize—  He lauged—  It's my fault. —  He stood up  — Come on sleep —  He said walking to me again and caressed my cheek. —  I repeat, I envy Gyllenhaal so much —  He kissed my cheek  before leaving me alone in the room.

I rolled up on the bed trying to avoid the sun rays, I rubbed oye eyes, I wanted to opened them and fine Jake by my side or at least be in my room. And find out everything was just a nightmare. But I tried to sleep again instead and forget about that, but I couldn't I wasn't home, I was in Zack's room. 
A tear came out of my eye, I quickly removed it and sat on the bed...What was I going to do now? 
-Well... you have to make a plan - My internal voice told me.-  A good one, one that solved this. - Perfect now I knew I have to plan something, but I had absolutely no idea what to do. - You'll go to Jake's house, you'll ask for an explanation and you'll hear it.- I took a deep breath before standing up
I was willing to listen to him, to forgive him, I wasn't footing to lose him. I didn't want to lose him. My reaction to this was extremely peaceful, if this had happened moths ago both Casy and Jake would be death by now.  

I grabbed my cell hone: sixties missed calls from Christian, 1 from Jake... That destroyed me. He didn't even cared enough to insist. He didn't even cared to explain himself. One call. One try. I was no longer willing to listen to him, I didn't want an explanation anymore. Maybe his explanation would hurt me even more, maybe he did want to fuck Casy. 

I called Christian who seemed to be the one that actually was worried.
— Are you insane? Crazy? Do you have shit in your brain?- He was pissed. 
—No, No and No— I answered whispering. 
— How did it even come to your mind to leave with Zack!— He yelled —Fucking Jake was attacking everything on his way.
— Don't tell me off! You don't know what happened! — I said trying not to scream. 
—I do know. — He said more calm — At least Jake's side. 
— And what did you want me to do? Stay there as if nothing had happened? I left because I didn't want to ruin your birthday party! —  I started to cry.
—Anything but leave with Zack— He yelled again 
— How did you know what happened?— I asked sadly, I was so embarrassed. 
—he told me— He sighed — He came looking for me because he thought I knew where you were, we came out of the house and Sebastian told us that you had left with Zack — He laughed —  He destroyed his cell phone, you know —  That explains the lack of calles...No. He has a phone in his house as well. There's no excuses. — I asked him to explain to me what he did to you for you to leave with Zack and he did and I punched him. 
— What?— I yelled 
—He almost killed me afterwards...
— What?
— Are you deaf? — He asked ironically —  He left after that —  He said. 
— What should I doChristian? Tell me — I said desperately.  
—he loved you — He said a few seconds later —  I hate him, but I have to admit that that beast loves you —  I was crying. Again. — I don't really know how yesterday happened to be honest. —  He sighed — But I'd advice you to listen to him. 


—Thank you for brining me.
—It's nothing— He smiled— and good luck —  He said signaling the house. 
—Thanks. — I really needed it. 
I turned around and walked to the hose, I must admit I was feeling quite insecure.
I finally arrived to the door and thought about everything twice before acting. Should I knock, or just open with my key? Where the fuck was the confident Louisa? I looked for my keys but I didn't have them on me. I must have left them on the kitchen.
I knocked on the door and exactly 50 second after Jake opened the door, my stomach flipped and I felt a huge pain in my heart. 
he looked at em from head to toe with an indifferent facial expression, without saying a word, he turned around and walked towards the living room.
My eyes got teary in seconds... He didn't even care to give me an expectation.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora