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My eyes started to get teary, I couldn't deal with this anymore. It was hard for any human to even be able to deal with this  for so long. - Don't give up!- my internal vice told me, but it wasn't not possible. I couldn't anymore. 
— No!—I yelled closing my eyes and rubbed them with the back of my hands. A few tears rolled down my cheeks.  
— I told you! — Jake cracked up. — Nobody can win at this game! — Jennifer was cracking up, and was covering her little mouth with her hands and Jared was struggling with his breathing because of how hard he was laughing. 
— Oh no! I'll beat you! — He insisted and I rubbed my eyes, took a deep breath and we were face to face again. His blue eyes were open widely and were looking at me in a fun way. A small blow made me blink. — That's cheating! — I yelled  and all of them started to laugh again. 
—Accept it— He said laying on my legs — I won. 
—You blew into my eyes, that's why I blinked — I defended myself, but it was really pointless since he did last way longer than me without blinking. 
—Judges... Who won? 
— You!— They announced my defeat unanimously. 
—Fine—I said looking down  — Breathing!— I said making him sit, the three of them laughed again. — Judges, count!  
— One, two, three!—When I listened to the "three" I took as much oxygen as I could. Jake was moving his eyebrows trying to make me laugh and he was doing it, but my competitive spirit made me not surrender. 
— Lou you look like a tomato! — Jennifer said rolling on he floor laughing. I couldn't deal with it anymore and I quickly took a breath and then laughed loudly. 
— God!— Jake said at the same time that he was breathing as quickly as he could — And I won again! — I frowned. I didn't even win at rock, paper scissors! — Now, who fans to play against me? — He asked and immediately the kids were jumping around to announce that both of them wanted to compete against Jake.
We spent the whole afternoon playing around in the house. Although Jake seemed to be so badass and disciplined, in the inside he was the most playful and loving person in the world.

We finished having dinner and Jennifer and jared stood up willing to help me wash the dished. Since Jake had practically ran away from the dining room. I looked over my shoulder to see the clock hanging on the wall to see the time. It was nine o'clock at night.
—I'll take care of it — I told the kids — Go upstairs, take a shower and go to bed, it's late kids — they both nodded and walked to me to give me a goodnight kiss on my cheek, and as always they ran up stairs and went do as told. 
I took the plates and made a small pile and took them to the kitchen and placed them on the sink. I went back and brought the glasses and cleaned the table. 

Now that I had everything on the kitchen, I started to wash the dishes. I finished putting the soap on them and as I was about to rinse them I felt a pair of hands around my waist. I shivered a little  and I listened to Jake's laughter. 
—You always shiver — He whispered in my ear. How romantic. 
—I don't shiver, I dance. — We both laughed. He walked to my side and was helping me dry the dished up and placing them on the cabinets. We finished in about 5 minutes. 

I finished cleaning everything else up and I felt him wrap his arms on my waist again. But this time he made me face him and he carried me making me sit on the table. I wrapped my arms around his neck and laughed a little and put my forehead against his. 
—Thank you Lou — He said staring into my eyes — Thank you for being here with us — One of his hands caressed my cheek. 
— Are you kidding? —I laughed and caressed his cheek now. —Thank you for making me feel as a part of the family, for giving me your love. 

—I love you— He whispered before crashing his lips into mine in the sweetest way possible. 
—I love you more — I said smiling on his lips — You won't win in that game buddy... — He smiled back and kissed me again. 

The kiss got a little more passionate as the seconds went by, which didn't bother me at all. He was playing with the edge of my blouse and I laughed.  

Our lips we moving in a perfect pace, there was nothing I liked more than this, I wouldn't change this for anything in the world. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora