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Once again Jake's phone rang, he sighed angrily. 

—Answer—I said laughing whilst turning around to pick some things from the floor. 

—This is not over, ok? — he pointe at me

—Of course it's not—I smiled at him and put one of my suitcases on the bed. 

—What? —he answered in a not so polite way  — what for? — silence —shit I forgot— he said rubbing his eyes  — yes, yes I get it— he said frustrated—I'll be there in five minutes— he hung up and put his phone on his pocket. —I got to go to the store, want to come with me? 

—I think I'll stay and clean up a little — I came closer to him — Alright? — he just agreed with his head. 

—I'll see you later then — he kissed me —I love you—he whispered in my lips and came out of the room running downstairs not letting me answer.  

I finished putting my clothes away and cleaning up and then took a shower and changed.

I came hopping downstairs, I was too happy. I took a bad and started to clean all the small pieces of glass on the floor from the broken coffee table. 


I didn't know when Jake, Jennifer and Jared were going to come back, it was almost three hours since Jake left. And I didn't have anything to do. I remembered what Jake said about his room. A little curious, I went running upstairs. 

'Wow' was the only words I could say, my jaw fell open when I saw "bad-tempered" Jake's room. It was simply indescribable, it was a mess!. Broken glass things on the floor. My heart broke. I made him suffer, a lot.  

I came downstairs again and to get another trash bag and started to clean everything up.

His room ended up so nice and clean, I stared at the clock which was also broken, it was 12:20. I quickly went back to my room and took my phone out of my pocket call Jake.

—Jake! —I didn't let him answer — Can i pick Jennifer and  Jared up? — he cracked up. 

—Of course you can— he said —My car keys are on the table. 

— Perfect, hey... what time are you coming back?

—Not long, ten or fifteen minutes more or less. 

The bell rang and a bunch of kids quickly appeared on the school's door. It was really difficult to find little Jennifer. I tiptoed and kept looking. I wondered what Jake would do right now, since he's not the most patient person in the world.

I waved when I finally saw them.

— Jennifer!— I called and the other mums stared at me, what? were they all called Jennifer or what? Bitches... — Jennifer!— I called again and she could finally see me. Huge smile appeared on her face. 

— You're back! — she yelled and came running to me. 

— Yes! did you miss me? —I asked her and she laughed 

—Lots, lots!

—I miss you both as well! — she smiled again — come on, let's pick your brother up — we were missing Jared.

— You're back! — just as his sister, he gave me a big tight hug. — We missed you a lot, it wasn't fun without you  — I messed his hair a little and smiled 

—Well you won't ever get bored again then.


We arrived home, they were both running around me asking me what game we were going to play. 

—Let's eat first and then we'll play— I said opening the door

—Jake will want us to do out homework— Jared and Jennifer said

—Well the, we'll eat, do homework and then play, alright?  — they agreed not very happy now. 

— How was school? — asked Jake coming downstairs

—Alright— they answered and then went upstairs. 

—You see— he said with a weird face —They hate me.

—Don't be silly— I kissed his cheek, and then went running upstairs. 

— Why are you mad at Jake?— I asked them and both sat in front of me, neither of them said anything they just looked down.  —He's really sad, he thinks you hate him and are mad at him, is it true? — Jennifer agreed with her head. 

—He yelled at us  — a tear came down her cheek. 

—We just wanted to know where you were — Jared added

—Oh kidos— I knew it was my fault —Jake loves you so much, and it hurts him too mucho that you are mad at him and don't talk to him —both turned their faces and stared at each other with regret — of he yelled at you it was maybe because he wasn't feeling alright in that moment...so— I said —I want you guys to go downstairs and give him the most beautiful and bid smile you got, ok?— they both smiled

—Ok— they said and they both started running downstairs. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora