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—No gorgeous...— I said avoiding Jake's killing stare. I walked to her kneeled down and stared at her.

—Yes you are—she said with a smile on her face— that's what couples do —she laughed shyly, I couldn't help it and laughed along

—You're useless — Jake muttered and carried the little girl on his arms to then walk outside the room and go upstairs.

This was probably not going to work, all I had done until now was just making him hate me more, but I couldn't lose the bet- I had a big debate inside my head, until I finally came to a conclusion, I was going to keep trying to win Jake's heart, but not here, in his house, I don't want him to have any problems with his family

I turned around walked to the sofa grabbed my things as well as the half of the project.

— You leave so soon?— I heard from behind when I was just about to open the door.

—I think it's better if we finish this separately—I answered, it was my turn to make him think I was overwhelmed 

— What?, You got tired of annoying me?

— Me? tired of annoying you?— I asked ironically— Look who's talking, the person who constantly offends me and call me brainless and stupid.

—I'm just saying the truth— he said with an arrogant tone

— That's what you actually think?—I stared getting closer again, I could notice he was nervous from miles from here, my nose was touching his and I placed my lower lip on his without kissing him, then right where I was I said—...well look at how this "brainless girl" leaves you —I laughed when I noticed how into it he was, turned around, opened the door but when I started walking out Jake grabbed my waist making me turn back at him then he grabbed my neck and started kissing me again.

His intense and passionate way to kiss me made me feel what Zack never made me feel, with just one kiss Jake was making a revolution inside my body, but things go the way I want them to, so I pushed him away pretending to be mad and threw the project at his face.

— What's wrong with you?—I yelled angrily  

— What's wrong with you!?— he yelled back as he saw all the  sheets of paper on the floor

—How dare you kiss me — I complained "furious"

—Oh, then only you can do whatever you want with me?! — he got closer again  

—Yes— I lightly slapped his cheeks twice and opened the door —I'll see you tomorrow— I said and left running from there.


-Ok...- I thought as Iied down in my bed –It's progress that he kissed me this time-I couldn't stop smiling when I remembered his lips on top of mine.

I got in my car, just like every morning and started my way to school.

—You know... there's nothing I consider more stupid than to wear dresses and high heels to school—Jake said from behind as I was walking in the school's hallway  

— Stupid?— I laughed —I don't  understand why you consider it "stupid" that I care about looking pretty—he stopped walking and laughed, I just kept walking 

—Oh please—he said in a teasing tone —you don't care about looking "pretty"— he emphasized the word "pretty"  —...you only care about looking better than everyone else—he could be right about that... — it's just pure superficiality —he stared at me with disgust —all girls do the same, you... Casy, the two girls that follow her...— he was comparing us... again. —Even that asshole called Zack behaves  the same way.

—You know what I find stupid...— I said laughing as I started to stare at him, but he just made an "I-don't-care" face — I'll tell you even if you don't care —I smiled —I find it stupid that people pretend to be something they're not.

— What are you trying to tell me?— he asked me frowning his forehead

— Me?— I mocked him and stared at him —I'm not trying to tell you anything darling, but if the shoe fits...—I kept walking to my classroom.

I sat in my usual spot and in a matter of seconds Chris was behind me.

— So?—he asked

—So, what?— I asked him not understanding

—Rumors about you and Gyllenhaal are starting to prowl

— Oh Christian, you're worse than some girls—I laughed  

—Hey...— he said —I didn't listen to any of them Tiffany told me that Casy and her "pets" were talking about you both. — he explained

—Well that's BS— I told him —I think this si going to be more difficult than I expected—I confessed. I could immediately see a victorious smile forming in Chris' face. —but that doesn't mean I'll lose the bet— I added making his smile fade away 


—Are we going to finish the project.. or are you going to run away like yesterday? — Jake asked me as I was leaving some books inside my locker 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora