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One of the things that Christian and I have in common is our huge competitiveness, for obvious reasons thats not good for any of us.

— Are you coming to the game tonight?— Christian asked me whilst we were on our way out of building A (schools first building)

—Of course I have to go and support...— Damn I had no one to support anymore.

— Support...?— he asked about to crack up 

—No one — I answered resigned —...for now— 

—So, you won't come...— He laughed to himself

—I never said that—I smiled —It could get fun— I bit my  lower lip making a plan for the game

—You know what ...I don't happen to like your current definition of "fun"

—Christian you're so bitter today!—I told him making him laugh — find a girlfriend sweetheart— I told him giving him a hug and he laughed.

— A  girlfriend?— he turned his face to me —that wouldn't be a problem if you didn't scare every girl away — he grabbed my shoulder

— Scare them away?— I asked with a naïve look 

—Yes, you and your stupid tests— he rolled his eyes —I actually think you're jealous 

—No— I said laughing — they aren't test, they're just a few questions

—Yeah, sure— he said sarcastically — why don't you just make a casting, you invite them and I'll keep the one you choose— obviously it was pure dark sarcasm still going on

—That's not a bad idea!

—Oh please Lou— he interrupted me

—It was a joke—I smiled and laughed — So who is in you wish list huh, pretty boy?— I asked him while we sat down in one of campus' chairs, he turned his face to me and shook his head in denial  — Come on Chris tell me...— I begged

—I won't tell you— he smiled

—Well, then that means there is actually someone— I played with my eyebrows moving them up and down

—Oh Chris... come on tell me— I really did wanted to know who my best friend fancied—I swear I'll mind my own business  — I looked at him with begging eyes, and he just laughed  —Unless it's Casy or one  of the two robots behind her all day, then I would get in your business  — her "robots" are the two girls that follow her everywhere she goes,I don't even know their names, because they are just non important to me. Casy wears pink, they wear dark pink, Casy wears Teal they wear Blue navy It's truly pathetic  

—Don't worry , I would never date any of them — He affirmed  —But I will still not tell you who it is— he smiled

—Fine don't, I don't care — I stood up, took my bad and started my way to my car

—Hey, come on don't get mad— he hugged my waist so that i didn't walk away 

—I'm not mad— I really wasn't, It was truly impossible for me to get mad at Chris 

—Oh yes you are— he hugged me properly now and placed his head on my shoulder —You're just jealous — he laughed in my ear, it gave my chills 

—You're an idiot— I pushed him jokingly 

—Hey listen...— He said whilst pointing his ear with his index finger 

We heard a noisy engine, I turned my head to where I listened to it 

—So, it's not only his outfit, he actually rides a motorbike— I smiled — What's his name?— I asked

—Jake... Jake Gyllenhaal— he answered

—Nice name— In a matter of seconds he drove by us in a speedy way 

—You're losing your time— Christian sang in my ear

—We'll see— I sang in his and as the gentleman Chris is, he open  the car door for me, when I got in he closed it and waited for me to roll my window down.

—You'll meet her tonight...— he got close to my face and kissed my cheek

— What?— I asked surprised 

—You'll meed HER tonight— he repeated 

— What ? she'll be at the game?— it was pretty obvious but I was so shocked that I couldn't understand what Chris was trying to tell me 

—Yeah...— he turned around and started walking  — with me...

—Consider yourself dead Christian—I yelled —You have a date and you didn't tell me anything?!—he laughed and just yelled "I love you" with a huge smile on his face  

I turned my car on, still shocked. Best friends were supposed to tell each other EVERYTHING! He knows everything about me, and he didn't even bothered to tell me he was going on a date with someone

—Asshole, he thinks he can fix everything with an "I love you"— I said to myself angrily whilst driving home 

I was lying on my bed, when my mobile stared to vibrate. I looked at the screen, It was Chris.

— What do you want?— I asked

—Hey—he said —That's how you treat you're best friend?

— Best friend? — I asked and he laughed —yeah, sure— i added with sarcasm —Now you understand why I don't have girl friends—

—Don't be so dramatic, Love— he started to laugh again

—I'm not dramatic— I answered with a serious voice —I trust you blindly and you don't even want to tell me who you are having a date with!

—I did tell you Love, late but did 

—Fuck you Christian— I hung up

I stood up and threw my mobile to  my bed, so that I could go to the bathroom and take a shower. It was six o'clock in the afternoon, Probably I wasn't going to the game, I wan't going to third wheel Chris and his next  little "girlfriend" and I couldn't call anybody else because my "goal" is Jake Gyllenhaal.

I went back ro bed after a nice relaxing shower, took my mobile and just in that moment I got a text message. "I'll call you, if you hang up i'll come to your place". This is how my dear Chris knew me 

—Don't bother— I said 

— I didn't tell you because of this, if you don't like her you'll scare her away, I don't want that, I truly care about her Lou, and I don't want you to get in my business .— he was pretty serious as well

—I'm sorry for caring about you and scare them witches away —I answered hurt, I had actually just scared two girls, and I had big reasons to do it. —And don't worry, I won't get in your life anymore. — I hung up.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora