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— What did you tell them? — he said kissing my cheek.

—It's non of your business Jake— I said laughing

—Ok, don't tell me, and we can continue with what we left pending in the morning — he then started kissing my neck. 

—Jake...—I said turning to him — they could come here any second — the kids were doing their homework downstairs.He rolled his eyes, and laid of the bed giving me his back. I laughed — Why are you giving me your back!  — I said.

—Because they could come here any second— he said imitating my voice

—First of all, I don't talk like that  — I said laughing — second of all... —I laid on top of him.—If I stop that is because of your sibling  —I placed my hand son his chest   —Clearly it's not because I don't want to  — he smiled lustfully —plus, we have a lot of time —it was me who started missing his neck now— if you want I can skip school tomorrow — I whispered in his ear sensually  

—You've skipped school for three days already, they won't let you take exams if you skip in once again. — he tied his arms around my waist and quickly turned maing me be under him now. 

—It'll be worth it though— I bit my lower lip provoking him. 

—No, you'll go to school— he said

—Alright, alright— I said laughing and took his chin taking his comer to him to kiss him. He kissed me in a very unique and special way that made everything around us disappear.  How could I be so stupid thinking I loved Zack. How could I be so stupid to play with someone like I did? it was my past, I needed to live the present and forget about that, our present. 

I places my hands on the back of his head and started playing with his hair, we were still kissing. His hands were giving small but nice provocative caresses under my blouse. He started to kiss my cheek and then went down to my neck and suckled it. 

—Hey, you'll leave a hickey— I laughed and shook a little. 

— So? —he asked and did that again—you're all mine— he sounded so possessive, but so cute at the same time. 

—All. —I confirmed with my head throwing it behind and leaving him more space to suckle and kiss wherever he wanted. He could do whatever he wanted with me.

—Jake we're fini...oops— I warned him this could happen. Jake stopped kissing my neck and sat on the bed quickly. 

—Jennifer... —he said nervous 

— Ew!— she said and making a funny face —you kissed in the mouth— she pointed at her mouth with disgust 

—Yeah, yeah—Jake stood up  —Ew— he pretende to be her —I hope you still  think that until you're 40—How jealous. —let's see your homework— they both came out of the room and I just laughed


He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together when we were out of the car. I loved this. It was now clear that we were together. 

—What a lovely couple — that sentence was so sarcastic

—Thanks Casy— I answered and felt how Jake tightened my hand trying to tell me to ignore her. I turned around and stared at Jake. 

—Just ignore her gorgeous—he placed his arms around my shoulders and get me closer to him and kissed my cheek.  


—What a lovely couple— I didn't recognize that voice but when I saw Lou's face turning red from anger, I knew it was Casy.

—Thanks Casy—she answered furious, they hated each other so much. I tightened her hand, and she just turned to me and we kept walking, of course she was staring at me.  

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora