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— Are going to tell me what's going on?— He asked opening the door of his car for me. 
—No Zack— I rolled my eyes and went in the car — Let's just go please. 
—As you say. —He smiled and quickly went to the other side of the care and went in. 

— Where's Gyllenhaal?— He asked raking the silence between us. A tear came down my cheek and i quacky cleaned it. 
—I'd thank you if you don't ask me anything —  I said not even looking at him. I was looking out the window. 
—I'm sorry, i just that you don't look good and his car was outside Chris's house, did you fight?—  I rolled my eyes, I was about to tell him I wanted to get out of his car when my phone rang. It was Jake. I looked down so tt my hair covered my face because I couldn't deal with this anymore and I wanted to cry so bad. I didn't know whether or not I should take the call. I finally decided I wasn't going to answer. I saved my phone in my purse and cleaned my tears. 
— What did he do for you to be crying your heart out because of him? —  I turned around surprised and saw him —  I know you well, remember? —  He took my hand and let it go giving me my space, which I thanked him for. 
—Not important—I whispered and looked back out of the window. 
Fortunately he didn't ask anything else and my phone didn't ring either. 
—Here— I told him pointing out. 
— What?— He asked surprised 
—You can leave me here —  I cleared 
—I'm not leaving you in this horrible hotel — He said with a look of repulsion in his eyes. I was actually not happy with the look of it either, but I wasn't carrying enough money to afford a better one.
—I'm not asking you for permission... 
—I don't know what that asshole did to you, but I'm not leaving you here —  Your house or Gyllenhaal's. —  What shit options he gave me. 
—Go back to the hotel—I said crossing my arms— I won't go to either of those places. 
— Then?— He exhaled annoyed—  Don't even think I'll leave you there —  He was referring to the hotel, I didn't answer —  Will you not choose? —  I shook my head —  Perfect — He rolled his eyes and kept driving. 

—Thanks for nothing Zack —  I said closing the door to his car, I hated this. 
—I still hate when you do that —  He said and if he was reading my mind. 
—Whatever— I said pushing my dress down and started to walk on the street. 
— Where do you think you're going?— He asked 
—I'm not staying in your house, I'll go look for a hotel. —  I kept walking. The wind made me shiver, it was cold. Fuck, I just wanted to lay down on the street and cry.
—Don't be ridiculous, come in —  I turned around and saw him walking towards the door of his house. What could I do? i had nowhere else to go. Maybe it wasn't a good idea living with jAKE after all. 

It had been a long time since I'd been in Zack's house, a lot of memories came to my mind making me shiver even more than the wind outside. 
—You'll sleep in my room —  He said walking up the stairs. —  Take some clothes from my closet, I'll be on the couch. He opened the door to his room for me to come in.
— Are you going out?— I asked him , he had just gotten to the party when I made him come back.  
—No—He shook his head —  Get changed, if you're hungry come down I'll cook something.  n
—I want to shower...
—Go on— He said, smiling at me and came out of his room. 
As soon as he closed the door to his room and threw myself to the bed, and automatically tears started to come out of my eyes. How could he do this to me? And with Casy! Maybe I did make some mistakes in the past but, that didn't aloe his to fuck whoever he wanted... and much less my worst enemy.It hurt. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. It was the same pain that I felt when Jake told me he didn't want to see me ever again. Why Jake?...was all I could ask myself in between tears. Why was something always happening to us? Something not letting us be together in peace, why? Fuck!. 

Making a big effort, I stood up and walked to Zack's closet, I took one of his pj shorts and a shirts and went to the bathroom to take a shower. 

After a long shower, I decided to come out of the bathroom and got changed into Zack's clothes. 

When I finished brushing my hair, I looked at the clock that was next to the bed. It was 2 in the morning. Two knocks on the door made me pum a little. 
—Come in—I said supposing it was Zack.  
—I brought pizza— He said coming in his room with a box — But you took long in the shower and it's now cold —  he said making a funny face
—Cold's better— I said sitting on his bed. 
— May I dinner with you?— He said biting his lip nervous.
— What kind of pizza is it?— I said staring at him 
—Pepperoni and extra cheese— He smiled —  Your favorite.
—Then you can stay— We both laughed. 
We started to talk, in that moment he was trying to distract myself and make me forget about what had happened. But sometime the image of Jake and that bitch popped in my mind and making me want to cry again. Did Zack know? Did Zack know that his girlfriend was half-naked on top of my boyfriend? 
— Yeah?
—Are you still dating Casy?— I dared to ask 
— No?—
—No— He answered and then bit his slice of pizza. 
—And... Why?— I asked 
—Lou—He sighed —I realized that the only thing she wanted, was to get me away from you — He shook his head and looked down—  and to be honest...—  He said getting closer to me — ...I was never able to forget about you—  I blushed, I had no idea ho to react in that moment. —  You blushed —  He said smiling. 
—Stop— I said giggling. 
—You have no idea how much I envy Gyllenhaal —  He said taking my chin and looking into my eyes — ...to know that those lips were once mine —  he said touching my lips and my eyes automatically got closed — ...and that I let another man take them instead—  his touch went down my cheek to my neck and he pulled em towards him and kissed me. 
He wasn't coing it with confidence, he was afraid of my reaction. And as loud as my inner self was yelling "stop him!" my arms ignored it and instead wrapped around his neck.
I just heard the sound of the pizza box falling on the floor and without separating from the kiss, I pushed him on his back and laid on top of him. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora