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I finally heard the bedroom's door close and Louisa's high heels coming downstairs.

Her hair was in perfect curls, she was wearing a long red dress with a sexy cleavage. She looked gorgeous.

—You look gorgeous — I said and my heart crumpled...

—Thanks- she said blushing —You look really handsome— she said only a couple of inches from my face. - yeah, whatever you say- I thought sarcastically.

— Should we leave? —I asked moving away.  


Louisa's POV

Was it me? or Jake was avoiding me?, it was probably my imagination. I held his hand and he turned to see me. I smiled  and it wasn't my imagination... he faked a smile. Maybe it was because he doesn't like balls, but it'd be the only one we'll have and I didn't want to miss it. And he shouldn't either. 

Everybody's stares were on us when we arrived, but I no longer cared whether or not they paid attention to me. They only thing I cared about now, was Jake's attention. 

The place was decorated as typical casino in Montecarlo, really elegant and romantic. There were Black Jack, Poker tables and so many more games.  

Casy's hateful stare was on me and she looked at me from head to toe, whilst I could almost bet that Zack was really mad and jealous.

There were a couple of tables outside in a balcony, and Jake chose to sit there, it was more confortable for him I guess. I was ok with his choice. As I said before, I really only cared for him now. 

Weather was really nice outside, there was some wind but nothing to worry about, it wasn't cold or hot. It was perfect.  

— What's wrong? —I asked him since he was serious.  

—Nothing— he smiled and placed his arm on my shoulders.

A few minutes later Christian came in the ball room with Tiffany by his side wearing a beautiful baby pink long dress.

—Louisa, I have to talk with you — he said greeting me and taking Jake's hand in a manly handshake.  Who was still serious.

— About?—I asked.

—Come here— he said grabbing my wrist  —I'll bring her back in a sec — he told Jake before taking me away from there. 


Jake's POV

—I'll bring her back in a sec —he grabbed Louisa's wrist and took her away from where Tiffany and I were.  

This was the moment Louisa could win the bet. And I was going to help her do it.

I noticed how Christian and Louisa finished their talk, I excused myself from Tiffany and started walking to where they were. She received me with a huge smile. What a hypocrite.

— Louisa, I love you— I said and her eyes opened. 

—Well guys, I'll leave you alone.— said Christian  turning around. +

—No— I said serious staring into Louisa's eyes, which went from surprise to curiosity.  — I thought you had to be present to prove that I loved her so that she could win the bet, am I wrong? — Louisa's jaw opened.—I fell in love with you like an idiot —I told her with a pissed voice tone and I noticed how her eyes started to get teary —So you did it, congratulations. Oh, and good luck with Zack.— I turned around and came in the ball room ignoring Louisa calling me. - Wow  it was faster than what i thought - what a better way to hide my pain that irony.

I walked to the parking por, I just wanted to get home, maybe sleep, maybe watch TV, anything really, anything that could get Louisa Smith's hypocritical face off my thoughts. 

— Jake stop! — I heard her voice behind me. I stopped and turned around. —Please let me explain, I... 

— I don't want you to explain anything! I don't want to listen to you! I don't want to see you! I don't care about anything that has to do with you! —I yelled and she got scared —Here— I said lowing my voice tone, I didn't want her to think I was going to hurt her physically.  — your car keys, all your clothes and bags are there, I made it easier for you, so make it easy for me and disappear from my life.  Tome bruscamente su mano y puse las llaves en esta.


Louisa's POV

— Jake! please listen to me!— I begged

— You want me to listen to you?— he laughed bitterly —  isn't it enough for you to have lied to me for the last three months? — I couldn't stop crying —Or what? you're going to tell me that the bet was a joke? — he laughed once again, I was really scared. — Of course! I know! you fell in love with me! and quit the bet! of course! how stupid are you Jake! 

— I just...

— But you know what the worst part is?—he got closer to me and i closed my eyes, it really hurt me that he talked to me like that. Even if I deserved it. —The worst thing is that I knew exactly how you were and I wasn't wrong  — he denied with his head —I was wrong when I believed you, to believe you felt something for me, believing you cared for my sibling, believing your kisses, hugs, caresses. — I stared into his eyes, they were full of fry and tears.


Jake's POV

—How much did you make fun of me huh?— I had shown her a part of me that no one else knew, I gave her my all without masks thinking that she did as well, but it was all lies, pure fin for her.  —Louisa Smith I regret having said what I said to you— I walked to my car and opened the door.— I regret everything—I said —everything that happened between us.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora