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—You don't care, It's non of your business— he said annoyed  

—Of course I care— I stared at him— I'm interested on knowing who is the person that is so important for you to ask me for help — making him mad was my new favorite hobby.

—Look— he said annoyed... again,this man didn't have at least a teeny tiny bit of sense of humor  —I didn't ask you for help, you'd be the last person I'd ask for a favor— he then looked back at the freeway 

—One question...— I said just for fun — Why so much "hate"...— I quoted —...to me?—it really intrigued me, because never in my life had any boy rejected me and/or treated me the way he did

He parked in a huge park, there were a lot of cars around it, I really didn't know where we were.

—I hate people like you— he started to talk —Fake and arrogant that think that just because they're "pretty" they can get anything  or do whatever they want— he turned the car off.

— So you think I'm pretty?— I stared at him.

— You see?—he sighed —You can't be more stupid just because... forget it— he got the keys out of the little hole you put them so that the car starts and got off the car.

- You're an idiot!-I thought really angry now. –this guy really thinks I'm stupider than a freaking Cockroach - I can assure you something, he is going to regret what he just said.

I waited for a while in the car, about 5 minutes or so, until I could finally see him walking to the car, he was crossing the street to then cross across the park, but what caught my attention was the girl who was probably "Jennifer"  

- Is she his sister?, Yes probably she was his sister-I had a little debate on my mind when I saw Mr. "Tough-cookie" by the side of a 5-year-old (approximately) little girl. She was undoubtedly beautiful, fine features, turn up nose, brunette curly hair – or was she his daughter?- let's say that a little panic went through my mind when I thought of that –maybe he's married, with kids, how many did he have?, may be that's why he doesn't want anything with me! - as they got closer and closer it was more difficult to hide my surprised facial expression  –She just looks exactly like him- I breathed deeply and turned around to look at the front of the car –what about the little boy?- I remembered they said something about a boy 

I heard the back door open as Jake told the girl to sit down and fasten her seat belts. The little girl couldn't stop talking  with her high voice, about her new sneakers, Jake sat in the drivers seat, the little girl, Jennifer hadn't notice me yet until she turned and saw me next to Jake, she made a funny surprised face.

—Hello— she said with a beautiful smile — Jake? —she asked her, brother?, father?  — Is she your girlfriend? —she asked with a cute laugh covering her mouth. – SHE'S NOT HIS DAUGHTER! - I celebrated inside my head 

—Me?—I cracked up and saw Jake rolling his eyes—Of course not—I smiled at her —I'm just his school parter. — I was talking to her in a soft voice tone—I'm Louisa —I introduced myself.

—I'm Jennifer— you have no idea how relieved I felt to know that the little girl wasn't his daughter 

— Is Jake your brother?—I asked her because if I asked him he'd tell me "that's non of your business" the little brunette just agreed with her head —Hey, and who was the one to make those gorgeous ponytails on your hair? —I asked her and Jake turned his angry stare to me, what did I do now? 

—Ali did— she said with a nice smile —Jake does a terrible job when he does my hair— she laughed, it was impossible that this little cutie was related to bitter Jake

—Enough questions alright—Jake said with a serious face. I turned and started staring at the right side of the window

We were silent, I didn't understand why Jake didn't want me to speak with little Jennifer, I stopped thinking about that as the car stopped in front of another school, Jake pushed the car's horn twice and just as Jake and Jennifer a stranger got closer to the car, he doubted a little bit as he had never seen my car before, until Jake rolled the window down.

— Why are you driving this car? and... who's her?— he asked, a boy about 8 or 9 years old 

—She's Louisa, Jake's girlfriend — Jennifer informed and both started to laugh, I couldn't help it and cracked up as well

—She's not my girlfriend— Jake said annoyed, I turned to the back of the car and saw Jennifer telling him I in fact was with a little cute smile on her face.

—I'm Louisa—I smiled —but I'm not Jake's girlfriend — I told the little boy

—I'm Jared— he said with a beautiful smile just as his sister's 

It was really difficult for me to imagine this kids to be related to this bitter person by my side. Jake and I were silent, we could just listen to the kids' voices, and from everything I heard "Ali" was the redhead at the music store.

We arrived to what was for sure their house, it was truly gorgeous, it was white with big windows and a huge  yard. 

Jake parked the car and we all came out, we walked to the door silently behind Jake. I noticed the little girl was staring at me whilst Jake was opening the door.

—Your dress is so pretty — she told me whilst touching it

—You think so?— I asked her with a tender smile on my face, she just said yes with her head—you know ...— I said smiley — this si my favorite —I then told her.

—You're really pretty, you look like one of my barbie dolls— she said laughing 

— She's even brainless and fake...— Jake muttered as he opened the door, I came in and just  gave him a "fuck-you" stare, he's just as cute as he is big-mouthed

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora