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Jake finally accepted, but he denied to get in my car so we had to go in his. We arrived to an ice cream shop the kids had chosen because they had a big play ground. 

They had a lot of ice cream flavors, about 20, and Jake repeated all of them three times for Jennifer and Jared to chose the one they wanted, specially Jennifer who could read but not that well yet. 

— Strawberry!—said Jennifer who was sitting on Jake's arms

— Vanilla!— said Jared

—You made me repeat them three time to chose your usual choice?!— he said jokingly and they all laughed as well as the cashier, that was staring at Jake with a stupid smile on her face. 

—Chocolate—  I said annoyed

As I expected he didn't let me pay and not precisely for being a gentleman, but because of his stupid attitude of "I-don't-want-anything-from-you" 

—I invited them — I said angrily sitting on one of the comfortable and colorful sofas. He didn't say anything, he just sat there covering his face.— Why did you tell me you were "starting" to like me if it wasn't true? — I grabbed the spoon and started eating my ice cream.

—I didn't lie— he turned to look at me  —I liked that day's Louisa

—That day's Louisa?— I asked laughing

—Yeah— he leaned on the sofa  — Relaxed, make-upless, without all those stupid accessories —  he laughed

—It's the same Jake— I told him — with this dress, jeans, shorts, make up or not I'm the same person. 

—No you're not— he said serious —you're never the same —he assured —You're different in school, you're different in your house, you're diffrent when you're with me, when you're with Christian, with Casy , with my siblings— he was right. — And you know what's worse?

— What?— I asked a little intimidated

—No one knows the real Louisa— we stayed silent, just us because everyone else around us was talking, kids were running from one side to the other. 

—Then we have something in common...— I stared into his deep blue eyes, and he did as well, but I could tell he was confused. —You're different in school, in your house, with me, with your siblings...even yesterday — I looked back at my ice cream and noticed it was starting to melt.

—It's not...

—Don't say anything— I interrupted him, I wasn't asking him for an explanation— You want some?— I said offering him some ice cream. 

—I hate chocolate—he said 

— You're a liar!— I said laughing —you barely finished the chocolate cake the kids baked the other day and now you hate it — he laughed along, he couldn't deny he was different.  

—I just ate a little— he said with a cheeky smile

— A little? sure— I said sarcastically, I took my spoon and fill it with ice cream and got closer to him  —come on just a little—I kneeled down on top of the sofa to be closer to him. 

—No—he said 

—It's going to melt and fall in your clothes— I sang jokingly

—I said no— he said laughing and at the same time he hugged me by the waist making me sit on his lap and the distance between us was practically nothing. I took the spoon once again and got it close to his lips, he finally opened his mouth. I smile victoriously and this time I placed my hand on his cheek , I didn't need to guide him or I didn't need to come to him, he just grabbed my head and pulled me in for a kiss. 

—Your hand's cold— he said laughing in between kisses, well duh! I was eating ice cream. I smiled and kissed him again, I just took the hand that was laying in my neck and intertwined it with mine so that the temperature went back to normal. He got away once again and he looked at out intertwined hands and lifted an eyebrow. 

—It's not cold anymore— was the only thing I said and he just agreed with his head and laughed. For some weird reason I turned around and saw Christian and Tiffany who were staring at us with O's formed in their mouths. Tiffany shook her head and turned to see Christian who was staring at me with a frozen expression and his eyes were as big as plates. I had just won the bet. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora