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We saw something that bothered us a lot. I quickly felt how Christian turned his face and looked at me, but I couldn't get my eyes off of them .

—I think it's best if we leave...— I didn't even notice who said that but in a matter of seconds it was only Christian and I sitting on the table.

— Louisa ? — said Christian

— Casy Stoner?—I was shocked — Casy Stoner gives him something more than superficiality and sex?!?!? 

Let's say Casy Stoner, was my all-time "rival" since we were kids. Everything in her life was an absolute replica of mine. Her major goal was to have everything I had, and from the looks of this, she's on her way to have it, she has my hate and my stupid ex boyfriend. Casy walked on Zack's side intertwining her fingers with his, she was smiling hypocritically looking at me with a look that said "Look, I stole him from you!" Zack walked by her side with no shame on his hot body greeting everyone on the football team.

—Louisa — I heard Christians firm voice next to me but I couldn't pay attention, I was shocked, I couldn't get my eyes off of them.

Casy stared into my eyes, I did as well. I wasn't going to be the one breaking up the stare as it's a sign of weakness. Given the fact that no one was going to want to "lose" she got her thin eyebrow up, turned around and gave Zack a big kiss on his lips, opened her eyes and winked at me.

—He hated when I did that...— I said while I saw them making out in front of everyone in the cafeteria. he probably didn't care that she did that. 

—Louisa Smith look at me right now!— Christian told me and I quickly looked at him — when you need your pride the most, it decides not to come out— he told me off —stop watching them ok?— He was right.

—No Christian...— I stood up — he can't do this to me—I walked to the cafeterias door, obviously inspite of all my anger, never leaving my style and haughtiness behind.

I arrived to my locker and got my books out for the next subject. History

-How could he do that to me...- I thought still shocked – changing me for that whore!- no doubt Casy Stoner is the sluttiest most stupid person I know. The loud bell made me concentrate in real life. I closed my locker and walked to the classroom

I came in and everyone looked at me strange. Usually I was late for every class, but I didn't have anyone to get distracted with anymore. I sat down in my usual place, first row second to last seat, because Christian sat in the last one, behind me. I rested my head in my arms and stared at the floor for a moment.

— I thought you didn't care about it—Christian's voice made me come back to the real world and leave my thoughts in my head. 

—I don't...— I lied, I did care. But Christian was going to notice sooner or later anyways

—Then if you don't, why is that face you've been carrying around all day?

—I'm thinking on my revenge— I smiled

— Revange?— he laughed—the good thing is that you don't care about it huh...

—shut up Christian—I turned around to see him.

— So, what are you going to do?— he smiled nonchalantly — Are you going out with someone else to make him jealous?— he mocked

—You know, that not a bad idea itself.— I saw him with a huge smile.

—That's stupid Louisa— he said

— Of course not!— I said thoughtful —I just need to look for someone that makes him jealous, so that the bitch notices he only cares about one girl, ME! so they'll fight, they'll yell, they'll fight some more, Zack will get back together with me and everything will be perfect again— I smiled proud to my master plan.

— How am I your best friend?

—I  don't know...— I took his hand — but you'll be my new boyfriend— I affirmed 

—Louisa...— he placed his other hand on top of mine —Everyone knows that we're like siblings and that we would never date, they won't believe us.

—Then, who?—my plan was now quite frustrating. It couldn't be whatever guy I found in school, it had to me someone that Zack would be bothered by, someone that would get on his nerves every time he sees him with me. But that's the problem, Who? 

— What about him?— he pointed at one of the geeks in the front of the class

—Christian, the point is to get him jealous— I said serious —not making him pitty me

—And how do you know that whoever you choose, will want to date you just to get Mr. horny pants jealous — he asked

—You'll see...— I answered sure about my strategy, no one in their 5 senses would ever refuse to have a date with Louisa Smith

— ¿Him?— he asked pointing with his eyes to one of the members of the football team

—I don't know...perhaps — I turned to the door and changed my mind immediately. — Why not him?— I said as I followed with my eyes a guy, that , to be honest had never noticed.

— Him?— he asked shocked

—Yes... he's totally different from Zack— Black jeans, basic white t-shirt, leather jacket, motorcycle boots—Who is he?— I asked because as I said I had never paid attention to him, and wow he was totally attractive 

—Forget it... he is never going to notice you, ever in a million years...— he answered smiling

—Christian nobody...

—He will... as you can see, he doesn't like little "flowery princesses" like you— Did he just call me flowery princess?

— And how do you know that?— It couldn't be true, he will fall for me just like everyone else

— Louisa, it's logic!— he answered —he rides a motorbike, wears a leather jacket— he described  — you wear pricey as hell high heels to school!—he could be a little right...— I can see from miles away that you are not compatible, even a boy like me notices it

—Christian, I won't marry him— I laughed —Let's just say I want him for a couple of days, we don't need to be made for each other.

—Think whatever you want, but when he rejects you I won't help you plan revenge against him

— When he rejects me?— I asked angry

—Oh he will believe me

—I don't think so...

— Wanna bet?— he smiled

— How much do you want to lose pretty boy?— I answered sure of myself

— How much?— he laughed — let's make it more interesting— I looked at him even more interested—If you win I will...—he said so that I finished the sentence 

—If I win...— I thought it would be what I had to do —If I win, you will do every single one of my final projects—I'm happy all the way just from that. Final projects are a lot and I really hate to make them, so it will be the perfect punishment for my wide mouthed friend. 

—If I win — He said with a wide smile —You will do everything in your power to become Casys BFF...— shit, now my "punishment" was noting compared to his —and if she denies, you'll insist until getting to become what I asked you to— he smiled —You'll beg her every single time she says no.

—Shut up I got it— I answered 

—Fine—he answered shaking hands with me —I won't give you a timetable to do it, because I'm sure he'll say no the first two seconds you stand in his presence, so you'll get tired of it and say to me "Oh Christian you were right because you're so much smarter that I am and also the greatest guy, so now I'll look for my best friend Casy" — faking a voice that sounded nothing like mine

—I love you Christian... but you're an idiot— I said shaking my hand against his turning around since Mr. Novacheck had just entered the classroom.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora