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We arrived home, which was a mess, the kids left their backpacks on the living room because after losing so much time looking for them in the morning, we agreed we'd leave them there to avoid problems. 
— Is Lou here now?— Jared asked. I sighed.
—No Jared— Jennifer immediately turned to see me — Come here, I have to talk to you — I said walking towards the kitchen and made them sit on the chairs. I laid on the wall and stared at them. — I have something to explain to you... — I looked down— The problem is I don't know how — I sighed in desperation — Alright look... — I said— Sometime grownups...have problems and... —Fuck! How could I explain this to two kids? —And Louisa and I had a discussion and we decided to break up, not be together anymore — I tried to explain for them to understand.
— So she isn't coming back?—Jennifer's eyes got teary  
—No Jennifer,she won't.  
— Why? Can't you just apologize? — Jared said. 
—Is not that easy— I shook my head. 
—Yes! Make her a drawing! — Jennifer smiled — When I got mad at Marie she made me a drawing and we became friends again! 
—Jennifer...— I laughed —Is not that simple, look you'll understand when you grow up. 
— Or a present? — Jared said practically ignoring what I had just said. 
— A dress! — Jennifer yelled
— Flowers!
— Yes! like in the movies! — Jennifer jumped up and down and ran to me — Come on!
—No Jennifer, Where?
—To look for something for Lou...
—Yes, you can't say no — Jared said taking my other arm. I could say no, but I wasn't sure I wanted to. Maybe Louisa was wrong and it was our destiny to be together. 
—Stop— I said standing in front of them. —I'll try, I'll follow your advice...— I rolled my eyes— But if it doesn't work I don't want you to talk about it, clear?
- Yeah!


I had finally arrived to my hotel, my feet hurt from all the walking. Stupid Jake made me get even angrier.
"Why? Why is there always getting in between us?"
- Jake, don't you realize it's you? YOU! - I threw my bad on the bed. I tried to calm down. We had now taken different paths and we I needed to accept it. If he didn't trust me about the Zack situation, I wasn't going to trust him on the "accident" on the bathroom. 
I took some clothes out of my suitcase. I then went to the bathroom willing to take a long bath. After it, I laid on the bed and I immediately fell deeply asleep. 

I went down to the hotel's restaurant, I had to eat something or I'd faint, and the least thing I wanted now was the nurse calling my mother, and then her finding out me and Jake had broken up and her saying " I told you" to my face. I ordered a sandwich and a juice and the I went to sit down on a table. They took five minutes to give me my food, I ate  and five minutes later I was on a taxi back to school. 

Fuck! I needed him by my side, I was so used to him now, to walk beside him and feel comfortable. But crying wasn't going to work for anything... 
I turned on the hallway that led to my locker and I simply couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was it my imagination? Am I crazy?I kept walking but I stopped a few meters away. Jake turned around, he stared at me and stood up letting me see the pink t-shirt I had gifted him a while back. Everyone that passed by were looking at him, I don't know if it was because of him wearing a pick t-shirt, or because of the huge teddy bear and flowers he had by his side. I wanted to smile, but I didn't, it shouldn't be that simple.
—Hey— He said messing his hair. I just waved my hand at him and walked closer to him. — I belice this speaks on m behalf — he said looking at his pink shirt and then to the things around him. — Louisa...I don't want to lose what we have because of a misunderstanding— he took the flowers and hated them to me— Can we start over? 
—Hello, I'm Louisa Smith — I laughed and took the flowers — And you are? 
—I love you Louisa — He took me into his arms and I gladly let him hug me.
—I love you more.
—Nice shirt Gyllenhaal. — He let go of me and turned around. 
—One more word Christian...— He threatened and Christian laughed. 
—Alright Gyllenhaal, keep with your thing, don't make me want to hurt you — He said walking by Tiffany's side on the hallway. 
—You'll be good friends one day— I said confidently
—Not if I kill him first...
—That happened already, didn't it? — I laughed and pushed him — It is forbidden to hurt him, ok? no wounds or bruises —he laughed
— Injuries? —I looked up and he cracked up — It's a joke — He grabbed my chin and led me to his lips — You know...I don't think they'll allow him to go to class. — he said pointing at the teddy bear.
—What if we skip school today...— he said hugging me — Plus we have a lot to talk about... 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora