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Louisa's POV


—Hey— I heard behind me, What Zack, miss me?

—Hey— I answered nonchalantly 

— How have you been?

— Do you care?

—Oh come on—he said —don't treat me like that — he walked two steps closer to me  — Or does you new boyfriend not let you talk to me?  

—I don't have a new boyfriend and if I treat you like that is because I want to — he stared at me angrily  

—Oh really then he...

—Babe— Casy's heels started tosound in the hallway   — What are you doing with... her?— she said with disgust 

—Nothing sweetheart— he kissed her cheek and then they left, EW!

I finished putting all my stuff away in my locker, and taking out the book I was going to need for the following classes, I turned around and got surprised when I saw a brunette guy in front of me. 

—Hi— he smiled shyly

—Hello— I put a small smile on my face

—Tayler— he introduced himself


—Yeah I know— he laughed shyly —Hey  umm I... wanted to know if maybe you and I — he was stuttering —well if you'd like to go out with me  — he finally finished his sentence.

—Sure— I answered staring at his hazel eyes.

— Really?— he asked me surprised — Awesome!— he smiled from ear to ear  — is this Friday alright?

—Sure, it's fine— I answered trying to smile, I didn't like the idea that much but I want to see how Jake and Zack reacted to this. 

Last class, Algebra. There was nothing more boring that this. The teacher never stops talking and facing the blackboard to write and write all class.

I turned to the last row and there was Jake, his stare was focused on the blackboard but I could tell he wasn't paying attention, he was lost in his thoughts. 

I went to the last pages of my notebook and broke a piece of it to write a little note to Jake, I grabbed my pink pen and wrote the following words "Bi, so can I borrow your siblings?" I turned to see the teacher to ensure he wasn't going to catch me throwing the paper ball to Jake, he wasn't, so I threw it and hit his cheek to then fall on the floor. He looked at the floor to see what had hit his cheek and saw the paper ball, opened it and started to read it. He wrote something and threw it back to me. it said "I don't have a choice, do I? and stop calling me Bi" 


I knocked the door and in less than ten seconds I saw Jake behind it. 

—Wow— I said —You're bipolar—I told him because he saw me and immediately rolled his eyes as if I had ruined his day 

— Come in or stay out?— his hateful voice was back. 

—I'll wait here— I answered changing my voice to a colder one. 

—Whatever you want—he turned around and then came back  — Why are you going out with Tayler?

—Well because...— I was about to answer but I didn't — How do you know that?— he got closer to me 

—He told me — he answered, I rolled my eyes, my plan was for him to know this when I had already had the date, but anyway. 

—Well yeah... I'll go out with him— I answered and turned around 

—You didn't answer my question — I thought carefully what I was going to say and turned, stared into his eyes again.

—I thought you did't care about what I did

—I don't— he laughed bitterly —I just thought it was easier to get to know the president that to get to have a date with you  — I still remembered

—I know— I answered smiling — but I decided to take you advice— I remembered his words as well.

— What advice? — he asked not understanding

—"Why don't you make everyone happy"— he frowned his forehead—I won't have to bother you anymore, we finished the project theres nothing that holds us together anymore — I was risking everything by saying that, I was crossing my fingers hoping it all turned out alright 

—Perfect. — SHIT! just like that? not even a little bit of jealousy? Perfect Louisa you just fucked everything up 

— Louisa!—I heard the little ones yell — where are we going?—  asked Jennifer whilst she was hugging me with her little arms. 

—Wherever you guys want to go —I said hugging her back.

—Ice cram?—she asked me and Jared just said "yeaahhhhhh!" 

—Sure— I kissed both their cheeks and then looked to stare at Jake — want one?— I asked him and so did his siblings.

—No—he said coldly

—Come on, I'll pay— I smiled getting closer to him —Farewell ice cream...— I whispered in his ear. 

— Sure?— he whispered in my ear  — You'll finally leave me alone after this?

—You said it.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora