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He smiled shyly and got his hand back down—Well, I think it's better if I leave —he turned to see me with a teasing face. 

—No— I said serious — stay—he wasn't leaving because he wanted to, for the first time we were finally having a conversation without fighting and my mum ruined it just like that  — She's always like that — I explained.

—I see who you're like now— he whispered.

— Hey! — I complained and he just laughed  

—It's late and I can't leave Dan by himself with the kids for long— he combed his hair with his fingers. —You know, they were really sad that you left without saying goodbye the other day

— Really? — I asked tenderized,  I got so angry that day that I completely forgot about the kids. —Tell them I'll pick them up tomorrow. — I said smiley.

—I don't think so—he denied with his head.

-Jake... I'm not asking you for permission —I said serious  —I'm telling you I'll pick them up— he denied with his head again. 


— Who is he? — how dare she ask me who he was, after the way she treated him—I'm talking to you Louisa— she yelled when she saw that I didn't stop climbing the stairs. 

— I don't think you really care-I stopped but didn't look at her 

—I don't like him— she said firmly 

—I don't care— I answered the same way she told me she didn't like him, now staring at her. 

—You've been spending time with him, haven't you?  — she was right —I don't understand why you are seeing him, why did you break up with Zack?  — you know nothing mum... it's been more than a month we had broken up and she just asked me why we broke up. 

—Mum...— I said closing my eyes trying not to let my anger take over. — why don't you stop pretending you care about me and just keep working and doing you're usual stuff -I really tried not to be rude, but I couldn't

—Louisa come back here!— she demanded and I just kept going upstairs. 

— What for huh? every time we try to fix things up we end up in a worse position, just leave it like that — once again ignoring her calling my name, I got in my bedroom and locked the door. 


Jake's POV

— Jealous?

—Shut up Idiot— it was stupid with capital letters 

—Come on Jake accept it, you want to date Louisa Smith as much as every one else in this school. — Tayler said jokingly —and apparently Zack wants to get what's his back— he leaned on his locked whilst looking at Louisa's locker staring at her talking with Zack.

— You don't get it right?— I said annoyed getting my books out of my locker— Zack is dating Casy and I don't care about Louisa — I said sure of myself.

— Are you sure?— he laughed  —so you don't mind if I ask her out? 

—Of course not — as if she was going to accept his invitation. We kept staring at where Louisa, Zack and now Casy, they smiled hypocritically at each other and the new "perfect couple" left. 

—I'll be back— said Tayler excitedly 

— Where are you going?—I asked him not really believing what he was about to do, was he actually going to ask Louisa out?   

—You'll see— he said and immediately started walking to Louisa. She closed her locker and got surprised to see him in front of her, she put a little smile on her face. –She'll say no - I thought with a fun smile, in less that five seconds he turned around and walked back to where I was, his eyes where open like white plates and his jaw was practically touching the floor, I knew she'd say no. 

— Was it that bad?— I laughed loudly 

—No— he seemed impressed —I have a date this Friday with Louisa Smith. 

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora