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—Well forgive me for having a terrible sense of fashion— Jennifer and Jared cracked up. 

We entered the living room following Lucile. Louisa intertwined our fingers, I liked that she felt safe with me. 
— How did you spend your free day? 
— Free? — I laughed. —The only thing I did was carry bags around the mall. — I turned around to see Louisa and she blushed again. I kissed her temple. Lucile was looking at us with attention. She looked so much like my mum, physically and mentally. She was looking at us and then she smiled when Louisa turned around to see her. 
—I'll go and prepare the table — She stood up 
— Can I help you with anything? —Lou asked her.
—No darling, I invited you, keep Jake company, plus I have two amazing little helpers already. — She laughed before calling for the kids' help, who were happy to help.
— Why are you so nervous? — I asked her placing my arms on her shoulders and brining her closer to me. 
—I don't know— She looked down — What if she doesn't like me? — I laughed. 
— Why isn't she going to like you? — She sighed.
—If I knew I wouldn't be like this Jake. 
—Don't worry, whether she likes you or not we're ok, yeah? — She nodded and cupped my head in her hands. 
—I love you— She whispered before Jennifer jumped on top of us.
—Diner's ready— She hugged Louisa and she kissed my little sister's cheek. 

Diner was relaxed, Louisa was much more relaxed and Lucile apparently liked her. I think this went way better that I thought it would. 
—So Louisa — She stopped laughing and put her elbows on top of the table were there were just us three because the kids had finished and went to prepare their things to come back home. — What's your parents' opinion about you and Jake? — I quickly turned to see her but she ignored me and continued staring into Louisa's eyes.
—My father died a few years ago — Lucile muttered an "I'm sorry" — And my mum...Well — She sighed — We don't really have a good relationship — She looked down and then back up.
—Wow— She said bitterly —I want to believe you work 
—No— Lou smiled unconformably. 
— And then how do you pay school? — Louisa was looking lost. In a way I enjoyed seeing her suffering a little bit  like I did when I met her mum and she asked me lots of questions. But on the other hand, I just didn't like to see her like that.
—My situation with tuitions and payments is fixed with the institution — She said not giving any details, which made Lucile uncomfortable. 
—You know I told Jake that I think your relationship is a little "rushed" —She made quotations — And I still think so — Lou's face was complete incomprehension just like mine. Why the hell was she saying that? — Because you're obviously more than aware that he has to pay for everything that his sibling and he need, he has a big responsibility  and with you there it becomes even bigger, since of course it seems you're used to have a good life — She laughed a little and Louisa just looked down. 
—It's not an appropriate thing to discuss — I interrupted her — That's my business — I said angry, making her shut up.
—We're just talking Jake, that's my point of view, you're just too young!
—It's ok Jake— Louisa told me with a sad tone of voice. 
—I just think that taking care of his siblings not only in the day but financially is already a lot of work and now to do so with his girlfriend... — That was enough to get me out of my happy peaceful place, but apparently Louisa too. 
—No, No, No—She said —Forgive me but you're mistaken if you think that I want Jake to pay for my things — Her face was red — I have never asked Jake for a penny, I am absolutely aware of all the responsibility that he carries on his shoulders... But allow me to tell you that I'm certainly not going to be a responsibility for him, specially financially —She stood up — I'm so ashamed that you think that about me. Excuse me. — She said and she walked out of the room pissed off. I was shocked, what a way to make her shut up.
—Jake, I'm so ashamed. I didn't want... — She covered her mouth. 
—Not as much as her, the only thing she wanted  was your approval — I said standing up and I left the dining room as well. 


—Hey— I whispered in her ear whilst I put my jacket on her shoulders. She didn't answer, the anger didn't allow her to. — I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... 
—I don't want to be an extra responsibility for you Jake — She interrupted me turning around to be able to face me. 
—You're not.
—Of course I am — She said — This morning, you didn't allow me to pay for what I bought, you never let me help you pay anything form the house, I insist I should pay you rent and you just deny — I covered her mouth with my hand and then removed it and kissed her. 
—And I won't let you do it — I whispered in her lips — So get used to it. 
—Then I'll leave. 
—Stop, I don't want to fight now. 
— It's just not fair Jake!
— Yes it is! You take care of Jennifer and Jared when I'm not around, you help them with their homework, you cook for them... Let's say that's how you pay me — She looked down. 
—It's still not fair
—I don't care. Go to the car, I'll go get Jennifer and Jared.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora