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― Smart?― he laughed 

― That's right ― I smiled proudly 

― I don't think so ― he rolled his eyes and then just looked back at the sheet of paper he was answering.

― You don't understand Jake ―I laughed ―I show you my abilities all the time, constantly― I took the papers from the sofa and placed them on the coffee table in front of us  ― and I'm so smart... ― I added ― that I've realized something... ― I told him and he just smiled and started to look at me. 

―What?― he asked entertained  

― That you fancy me―I kneeled down and started my way to him. ― that I drive you crazy ― his face was neutral, no smile, no frown, no nothing. ― that inside all that "roughness" you show others, there's feelings ― I emphasized the last word.

― Oh really?― he asked ironically― what makes you think that? ― he places his hands behind his head. 

― What makes me think that?― I smiled and grabbed his shoulders ― you ― I sat in his legs, placing mine to the side. With his hands he tried to move me away from him taking me by the waist, but he moved wrong and we ended up lying down the  sofa, actually, I ended up on top of him ― your reactions, make me think that ―I tied my arms around his neck, keeping him from getting away ―You like me Jake ― I dared to assure. 

His stare moved from my eyes to my lips and back, which kind of made me think of what was going through his mind, maybe I was right, maybe he actually fancied me.

We were just inches apart, I could feel his warm breathing mixing with mine, he was basically carrying my weight because I was on top of him still, but he didn't seem to be bothered by this, be then lifted his right hand and carefully moved a strand of hair away from my face  and placed it behind my ear, then he just left his hand on my neck and slowly shortened the distance between or faces, making our lips intertwine in the most perfect way possible, and for the first time he kissed my with tenderness. 

His lips were rubbing ever so gently against mine, it was incredible, it was different from our previous kisses. They had all been fantastic don't get me wrong, but this one was... special.. -Fantastic?- he started doing it with more intensity and went down to my neck, I just closed my eyes , enjoying what Jake was doing. 

When I felt his wet tongue rub against my skin, it made me feel so many inexplicable things inside me, something I'd never felt before, and if I was honest, I loved it. 

― So you think I fancy you?― his right hand, which was before in my neck went all the way down to my leg, which was now being gently massaged. I could barely say yes due to all the things that were going on not only physically but mentally inside me― that these "meetings" that we've been having ― he went back to my neck which made me jump a little ―are because I'm "in love" with you ―he made strange tone when he mentioned the last word. 

―I never said that― I said stunned and his hands started their way from my legs to my bum. ―but now that you mention it ― I bit his lower lip ―maybe you actually are ― he let out a bitter laugh without stopping kissing me. 

― I think you're wrong - he went back to my neck again and shortly left a  path of kisses all the way from my neck back to my jaw. ―maybe...― he whispered in my ear―maybe I just want to have sex with you and then, goodbye ― he was playing with my earlobe. It was me now who was laughing, ―maybe I know that as long as I keep rejecting you, you'll want me, you'll desire me, more and more ― Ok, he was now playing his own game and I didn't like that, he was not supposed to play with me  . ― but no, actually I hate you ― I felt his hands doing little shapes on my collar bone with the tips of his fingers. 

―Then, you've just ruled out all of my other options,― I smiled  ― so  we got just "sex" on the table.

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora