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I got in my car, I didn't mind to spend the day with Jennifer and Jared at all, after all if I didn't do it I would spend the whole day bored in my house.

I drove all the way to Jennifer's school, I struggled a little bit to remember the way since the time I came with Jake I spent the whole time staring at his gorgeous self, but I finally made it. 

— Louisa, you came!— she yelled happily when she saw me

— Yes!— I answered with the same excited voice — and that's not everything — I smiled —I'll take care of you two today— I told her and she just yelled "yeyyyyyyyyy" 

She sat on the copilot seat and I made sure I fastened her seatbelt, and we were now on our way to pick Jared up, who just as his sister got pretty excited when he saw me, why couldn't Jake be like that?

— What do you little ones want to eat today?

—Spaghetti—said Jennifer

—Chicken sticks— said Jared a couple seconds later

— Both?— I asked and they obviously agreed.

According to the little ones they had chicken on the fridge, so we just needed to buy the ingredients to prepare the spaghetti, so we stopped by on a supermarket to buy the missing ingredients. 

—Lou, can we buy this?— asked Jennifer shaking a box 

— What is it?— I asked and she handed me the box —Jennifer, but I have no clue on how to bake cakes — I warned her when I saw what the box was

—The steps are on the back of the box— said Jared 

—Alright— how could I say no to these little angels  — But you both will help me, ok? —  both agreed and I threw the box gently to the bottom of the trolly, along with the other stuff. 

We made lunch together, ate together, I helped them with their homework so that they didn't have anything to do on Saturday and Sunday, we played a bunch, watched TV and finally we started making the cake at about 7:30 pm.    

Jared was reading the instructions, Jennifer was mixing the ingredients, I just helped them with the things they couldn't do, we poured the chocolate batter into a cake pan, and I finally put it in the oven.  

8:40, Jake wasn't here yet and the cake wasn't ready yet. 

—Why don't you guys go upstairs, take a shower, put on your PJ's and then come back here to eat some cake — they both did as told.

I took the cake out of the oven and started to frost it with chocolate icing. It took me about 5 minutes to do, when I finished I left it on the island in the middle of the kitchen and took everything we had used to make the cake and put it on the sink. 

—I'm back— Jake's voice came from the living room, he should've arrived an hour ago, I kept washing everything we used to make the cake, I was almost over I just needed to put everything back to its place — where are the kids?— I listened his voice nearer, I turned around to see him. 

—Upstairs— I turned back to the sink  —they went to take a  shower and put on their PJ's — I dried my hands with a little white town and walked to the island. 

—Wow— he said sitting down  — it took Dan at least a month for the kids to obey him.   — he stared at the cake that was by his side. — What's that? — he asked turning to me. 

—Jennifer and Jared made it

—No way— se said

— I'm serious!—I laughed —I just got it in and out the oven— it was the truth.

—I don't believe you— he laughed. His laughter was beautiful, I don't understand why he doesn't laugh more often. He went to where the cake was a took a piece. 

— No!—  I said complaining —grab a plate and silverware — I turned to get them, but when I turned back to him his mouth was filled with chocolate cake. —Jake...— I said laughing

—I'm sorry for the bad manners, I'm not like Harper— He took another piece of cake and made it's way to his mouth 

— And how does Zack has anything to do here? — he was jealous — don't tell me that...—I said surprised walking to him  — don't tell me that you're jealous — I smiled biting my lower lip

—I won't tell you because it's not true — he took another piece of cake and put it in his mouth and chew it it the sexiest way I had ever seen anyone chew 

—You have chocolate there — I told him pointing at the edge of his lips and he started laughing

—I don't cake— he said and kept eating cake 

— Stop!— I said  — Stop eating with your hands — I grabbed the fork and the napkin I had left a couple steps from him and tried to give them to him.

—I won't use them — Couldn't he stop eating?

—You're so impolite— I told him and at the same time taking the rest of the cake away from him—Give me —he demanded

—No— I answered —leave some for your sibling —he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms leaning on the island  — come here— I grabbed a napkin and got closer to him, grabbing his arm to make him face me. He was staring at the ceiling whilst I was thinking about cleaning that chocolate off his face, I had to do it even thought I had told him I'd leave him alone.  

I placed my hand gently on his cheek to then cut the distance between us.

This wasn't necessarily a kiss, I placed my lips on his and then licked the chocolate off the edge of his mouth, it was delicious, but not as much as his lips.

Somewhat, ashamed? I got away —y- you don't have chocolate anymore — I cleaned the island top with a cloth and tried to avoid his stare — I think It's better if I leave— I put my hair behind my shoulders and went past his to get our of the kitchen, but he took my wrist, not letting me get out — I'm sorry, I told you I wasn't going to bother you anymore but...— I started talking quickly. I turned to see him and was just waiting for his answer just there, standing up in from of him, with him staring at me with that intimidating stare of his, he came two steps closer and cut the distance between us. He placed his arm behind my waist and without stopping staring at me he let my wrist go to grab my head and bring me to his lips.  

You changed my life.-Jake GyllenhaalDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora