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"Negan! Get your ass up right now!" i shout shoving on clothes and getting prepared for whats going on outside.

Apparently whilst him and i were enjoying eachtoher last night walkers lingered into camp and killed a lot of people.

He jumped up and started getting clothes on.

I grabbed my knife and ran to the r.v door. I open the door to see a whole hoard standing before me.

Negan slams the door back shut

"Are you crazy!? We cant take on all of them." he snapped running to the control/driver part of the r.v

"What about your people?" i ask looking out of the window to see more and more walkers multiplying.

"Theyll be fine! But we are leaving. Now!"

He turned on the r.v and floors it causing me to fall back on my ass.

He is driving like he stole a brand new car away from the walkers.

He has got to be going at least 50, but the walkers are slowly but surely gaining.

I stand up and make my way to the front if the r.v

I sit in the passengers seat and quickly put on my seatbelt (i don't know why, its just habit.)

We are taking off down this long dirt road, and Negan looks like he is about to lose his shit.

I decided i wouldn't ask. I just sat there looking at the tress passing by us as a rapid speed.

Before i knew it the r.vs engine was making weird noises. And started to slow down.

"No no no" Negan says.

I know what this means.. Its running on empty.

We come to a complete stop.

"Shit! Mother fucker! Piece of shit!" negan yells. He quickly jumped up and grabbed his bag he tossed me mine

"What are you doing? We cant go out there!" i screamed unbuckling my seatbelt and standing up.

"Look! The more we talk the more they are gaining. You coming or not?"

Negan opens the r.v door and sprints off.

God damn it!

I grabbed my bag and left just in the nick of time, because walkers were nearly about a foot away from the r.v

Negan pov

I dont feel any guilt if leaving her, she wants to be stubborn, then Fine.

I look back to see her sprinting away from the walkers just like i was.

She caught up to me and by now we were light jogging. We had to catch our breath. But damn. We never actually got it until the walkers were right on our asses.

We sprinted at full force, giving our legs quite the work out. I look over to Lucy who is about to hyperventilate from all this running and not being able to catch her breath properly.

"Babe.. I...cant.. Keep.."

"Lucy! Just a little bit further. Keep pushing!" i yell.

We are literally just daring down a dirt road, i swear you could see the dirt kick off of our heels we were going so fast.

It was like this long narrow road was never ending.

Lucy was getting more tired and tired by the second. I look back to see we are ways away from the huge ass hoard. But it was only a matter of time before we had to keep running.

I stopped and so did she.

As we stopped there was a loud- almost bomb like sound coming from the dirt road that we just ran.

Alot of the hoard went that way. But about 15 maybe a dozen still ran our way

"Lucy stay put" i ordered.

She plopped down on the ground and relaxed.

I walked up and one by one i stabbed the heads of these bastards.

By the end of it i had blood all over me.

I turn back to Lucy and she is passed out.

"Shit" i curse to myself.

I pick her up and sling her over my shoulder along with her bag. My pace has now gone down to a turtle walk.

But i don't care, there was no way in hell i was just gonna leave her in the middle of the road like that.


I have been walking for about three hours. Not taking breaks. I am determined to get Lucy somewhere safe.

Speaking of Lucy, she is breathing and has a pulse. So that's good.

I see a little cabin up ahead. I am going to take Lucy there in hopes she will wake up soon. Because i need a plan.

Lucy pov

I wake up on a bed?

What the fuck?!

"Negan!" i get up out of bed and run down a staircase. Negan was sitting on a sofa with bourbon in his hand and a grin on his face

"Negan?" i ask.

He looks up at me and takes a swig of the bourbon. Negan isn't a good guy when he drinks bourbon..

"What are you doing baby?" i came into the living room and stood infront of me.

He gave me such a 'fuck off bitch' face it wasn't even funny. I was genuinely scared.

"You've got a lot of nerve to question me, when i had to carry your ass all the way here. Lazy bitch"

I looked in shock at him. Here we go, this is the real Negan.

"I dont remember any of that.."

"Course you wouldnt, you know not unless you are here to thank me, i suggest you get the fuck out of my face before i hurt you" he growled.

My stomach dropped. I didn't move

"Did i stutter?"

"No, i heard you loud and clear."

I snatched the bottle out of his hands and slam it against a wall.

Negan pov

She just slammed my fucking bottle against the wall! Oh fuck no, she has crossed the line.

I look at the bottle and smile the most shit eating grin ever, and back hand the fuck out of her.

She fell to the ground..

Oh shit what did i do?

"Lucy? Lucy? Are you okay?"

She was crying on the floor

"Lucy baby.. I didn't mean it."

I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to the bed in which she just came.

I know i truly have fucked up this time. I promised i was gonna be a better man this time around. What have i done?

"Lucy. I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.."

I brush her hair behind her ear.
I lean in for a kiss and kissed her.

She smiles back at me "its okay Negan... I deserved it."

I stopped smiling "no you didn't I'm a monster! Why do you still come back to me?"

She shrugs "Because Negan.. I don't think you're a monster i don't care about the bad shit you do. I care about the man i fell in love with, and i know deep deep down he is still in there. Im just praying for him to stop hiding."

Twisted tale of NeganWhere stories live. Discover now