Chapter 1

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"There is no fucking way that we are going to be late for the meet and greet. It just can't happen!"

I angrily slammed the palms of my hands onto the steering wheel before I rested my forehead on them, trying to gather myself. I look over at Riley who is trying to hide her disappointment.

"We can still make it on time, if this traffic ever clears up."

She is trying to be reassuring but I can't help but feel the immense amount of fear she is putting off.

"Maybe we should have just waited until they were in Orlando."

We had insisted on going to their first American show since it was in Florida and within driving distance. If only we didn't have to wait until after school to drive there; then, maybe we wouldn't be so close to missing out on the real benefits of our ridiculously priced tickets. I realized that I was able to drive a little faster than before, giving me some hope of this day getting better.

"Finally, we're moving!"

I felt relief as my car jolted forward without any hindrence. We were only an hour away. I could feel the tensing in my heart and in the pit of my stomach. How the hell does that happen? I was never one of those obsessive girls. I either didn't like something, or I did. Now, for some reason, as I am getting older, I either don't like something or I obsess over it. There is no median.

Riley interrupted my thoughts, "Piper, can you believe that we are actually going to meet One Direction?'

The squeal that left both of our mouths after that would have been unbearable for anyone else to hear. It was a good thing nobody else would go with us!

"I'm just afraid that we're going to be disappointed by the meet and greet. We get to say hi, take a picture, and leave. Hell, it's better than nothing, but I don't think it will be enough."

"You know it could never be enough, Pipe," Riley assured me.

"Yeah, I know. It's still upsetting," I chuckled at the seriousness in my voice. Why was this such a big deal? I just didn't understand how I felt.


The rest of the ride went smoothly, and we arrived in Fort Lauderdale 20 minutes before we were supposed to.

"It's so like us to panic about being late and end up being early," Riley's tone was ecstatic but I could tell that she was trying to sound relaxed.

"God, we're pretty pathetic," I droned as I glanced around. I couldn't help but notice how much younger the rest of the crowd was than us.

See, that's how old you should have been during your obsessive phase.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head, and made myself agree to just have a good time for the night. Why set myself up for disappointment? Even worse, why be so pessimistic?

"I think we're supposed to go that way," Riley pointed to the entrance, surrounded by security and screaming fans. I followed her reluctantly through the crowd. My palms began to sweat and my social anxiety already began getting the best of me.

So, this is why I don't go to shows.

If it weren't One Direction, there was no way in hell I would be there. Riley pulled me by my arm to the entrance, where those without meet and greets awaited the okay to begin crowding into the stadium. Our bags were checked and we entered with ease, probably being the last VIP ticketholders to arrive. We ran in the direction the security guard pointed to get in line.

"This is going to take forever," I sighed as we ended the long line, awaiting those 30 seconds of incomprehensible joy. As I crossed my arms, I thought about all of the time I had spent watching videos and interviews, longing to meet them, always trying to push it aside as a ridiculous dream. I thought back to my fantasies of what I would do if I had ten minutes with Harry Styles- despicable things. Those eyes. That hair. Those tattoos. Seriously, could any other man in the world pull off those tattoos? No, they could not.

"Earth to Piper! We have to put our bags in here before we go in!"

Riley's thrilling statement snapped me out of my spacy, yet arousing, thoughts.

It was as if I had only just realized that it was real. Was I really about to meet them? I couldn't help but to feel a tinge of pain at the thought of leaving that room we were preparing to walk into. Without any real thought, I pull a notebook out of my purse and rip a corner off of a page. I scribbled my name and phone number, followed by a simple "xoxo". I grinned at my stupidity as I shoved it into my back pocket and put my things away before closing the short space between me and my wildest dreams.


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You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now