Chapter 20

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"And last, but certainly not least, I found your panties."

Harry started to hand them to me but yanked them back, shoving them into his pocket. 

"Harry, that's disgusting. Give them back."

"Well, if me keeping these is disgusting, then I guess me eating you out is disgusting, so I just shouldn't do that anymore....right?"

He was dangerously close to me, his hand resting on my hip.

"Touché. I take it back; you can keep them. Perv."

As I turned away, he smacked my behind, and I faced him, walking backwards towards the door. I blew him a kiss but turned it into my middle finger as I pulled my hand away from my lips, chuckling as I turned back around. He ran after me to catch up, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked back into the elevator. When they opened on the dining floor, one of the security officers was standing there along.

"Everyone went to ride a few more rides but that was about an hour ago so they should be heading back to the entrance soon. Would you like for me to escort you there now?"

"Erm, sure. That's fine, thanks."

Harry gave me a wide-eyed grin. I don't think either of us realized how long we had been in that room. I don't think either of us cared. 

We stepped back into the elevator, going down this time. I couldn't wait to come back with Riley. She was going to be so thrilled. We could drink all of the champagne in sight and discuss Harry and Liam. It sounded like a perfect night. Besides the sad fact that those two boys would be gone. Long gone. I knew that Riley and I needed some time together but I wished it could have been with Harry near by, where I had the hope of seeing him soon. A month seemed like a year when I thought about going that long without seeing him. I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his as we walked through the barely crowded Main Street. I saw a few little girls point at Harry as we walked by, tugging on their exhausted parents' shirts, getting evil glares in return. Harry kindly waved to them with his free hand but kept his attention on me.

"Andy's really going to love it here." The smile that appeared on his face every time he mentioned his daughter made my heart melt. "She's really going to love you, Piper; I just know it."

He lifted our hands up, turning them so that the back of mine was facing him, and kissed it multiple times before letting them fall back comfortably. Our arms swayed as we walked, him having to slow himself down since my legs were so much shorter than his.

"I don't know, Harry. What if she hates me?"

"Impossible. There's nothing about you that anyone could hate."

"Don't get me started."

He glared at me, raising one eyebrow, warning me to be nice to myself.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now