Chapter 46

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The flight had been calm for the most part, up until we prepared to land. Piper gripped my hand for thirty minutes before descent and had already downed at least two cocktails. I knew she was nervous about meeting my family, especially Andy, even though she tried to hide it. She asked the stewardess for her third drink and I couldn’t help but to chuckle at her. I covered my mouth with my hand, but she saw right through it.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“Yes, yes I am.”

She glared at me playfully, but I could see the stress in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, come here.” 

She hesitated but scooted toward me and rested her head on my shoulder as I intertwined our fingers, stroking her hand with my thumb. She let her other hand fall to my thigh and gazed out the window. Every time we hit a bump I could feel her tense up. The stewardess brought her cocktail over and handed Piper a few miniature bottles of vodka “for the road”.

“Lovely, now my girlfriend will be known as the alcoholic.”

She was facing away from me when I said it and turned quickly, offended by my statement. Her face softened when she saw my teasing expression. 

“I don’t know why I’m so anxious. I fly all the time-“

“Piper, I know it isn’t just the flight. You’re nervous about meeting them aren’t you.”

She started to shake her head, but her mouth spoke the truth she was hiding.


She clasped her mouth with her palm, obviously not meaning to say that aloud.

“Piper, it’s alright. I know you are, but don’t worry about it. They’re all going to love you. My mum is going to meet us at my flat with Andy.”

“WHAT? Why didn’t you tell me that before I drank so much?”

She looked genuinely scared and I just leaned forward and kissed her forehead softly, unable to hide my grin.

“Stop panicking. I promise, it’s fine.”

Piper crossed her arms and huffed, forcing herself to take deep breaths. I snaked my arm around her waist and pecked her cheek continually, trying to distract her with my antics. She pulled away jokingly before falling into my embrace. We hadn’t put the armrests down the entire flight, constantly holding each other and falling in and out of restless sleep. I felt a little more rested than I had all month, but that wasn’t saying much. 

I tried not to make it noticeable, but I was so scared of losing Andy. Karen had a decent case, seeing as I was gone half of the time. I hated that it was that way and she knew that, so I couldn’t understand why she would make it even worse for me. I knew I wasn’t the best father, but I didn’t think I deserved to lose my daughter. Karen was fighting to have full custody of Andy, saying she would make arrangements for me to see her every now and then. She claimed that it made things difficult when I had partial custody to keep my relation to her a secret. It hadn’t caused problems thus far, so I felt that there were other reasons for her sudden change of heart. I could never claim that she didn’t love Andrea, because I knew she was a good mother. However, she had slowly become obsessed with money ever since it became a factor. I hated to admit it to myself, but I knew I would pay her any amount of money to keep Andy in my life and I was sure Karen knew that. 

“What are you thinking about, babe?”

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Piper whispered in my ear. I forced a smile and rested the side of my head on her forehead.

“Nothing. Just excited for you to meet everyone.”

*We are beginning our final descent into Heathrow Airport, so please stow your belongings. Please close your pull out trays, put you seat backs to the full upright position and assure that your seat belts are fastened. Local time is three in the afternoon. The weather in London today is quite chilly and wet in the mid-50’s with a 75% chance of rain. Thank you for flying British Airways and we hope you enjoy your stay and fly with us again.*

Piper and I adjusted our seats and she tightened her already fastened seatbelt and reached for my hand once again. The flight attendant collected her many cups and empty alcohol bottles, allowing Piper to close the tray. She squeezed my hand and I chuckled, resting my head on the back of my seat, watching out the window as we made a safe landing in London. As soon as the wheels hit the ground, Piper’s grip loosened a bit and as we slowed down, she was just resting her limp hand in mine. I pulled it up to my lips and kissed the back of her hand and she started to laugh at herself, mostly because she was extremely tipsy. Our escort stood next to her seat and offered to carry any luggage. We said we could take it ourselves and he waited for us to stand up and follow behind him so that everyone else could start to get off the plane. 


I felt dizzy as soon as I stood up, but I shook it away, knowing we had to hurry. We followed the guard out to the terminal and avoided as many people as we could. Harry waved and smiled, but I just focused on walking a straight line. Harry’s hand rested at the small of my back, directing me, but I still almost tripped a few times. We posed for a few pictures with fans and I tried my best to form a normal smile. After we went through customs, security officers surrounded us and we made our way outside to the pick up lane. Harry guided me to a tinted black range rover and urged me to get into the back seat first. He followed behind me, waving to fans and cameras as he did. I didn’t know how he dealt with all of the attention 24/7. Once we were in the car, the driver pressed the gas pedal and inched forward.

“What about our bags?”

“They’ll bring them to my place in a bit.”

I nodded and curled up on his shoulder, admiring the city beyond the water-stained window for a few minutes before unwillingly drifting off. 


“Love, we’re here.”

I felt Harry’s large hands on my shoulders, lightly shaking me to wake up. As my eyes fluttered open, he placed a small kiss on my forehead before stepping out onto the empty sidewalk. I gathered my purse and noticed that Harry was already holding my carry-on over his shoulder. I stepped out into the rain and he grabbed my hand, pulling me quickly up the steps. He knocked roughly on the door and within seconds, it swung open revealing the woman I had recognized as his mom. She pulled me into a hug and yanked me into the apartment excitedly. 

“It’s so good to meet you, Piper. God, Harry, she’s even prettier in person!”

I grinned awkwardly and thanked her.

“It’s great to finally meet you, too. I’m glad to be here.”

Harry set down my bag and looked around before hugging his mom distractedly.

“Where’s Andy?”

“She’s taking a nap, but she should be-“


I followed Anne’s gaze to the little girl running down the hall, holding a small teddy bear with a blanket trailing behind her. Harry fell to his knees and pulled her into his arms, leaving kisses all over her face. As he stood up, she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her tiny arms around his kneck, unable to reach around completely. Her eyes shut and she comfortably nuzzled into his chest, a huge grin forming on her precious lips. I saw a few tears stream down Harry’s face and he smiled brightly, making his eyes wrinkle and I could see the pure joy on his face. Seeing him in this environment with his little girl brought stinging tears to my eyes and his smile was contagious. 

“Baby girl, I want you to meet someone very special to daddy.”

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now