Chapter 66

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I felt like a complete piece of shit when I woke up the next morning. Even still, I didn’t feel differently about the topic of Matthew. I just should have handled it differently. I just didn’t expect for her to come back from an evening out and him to be the first thing she wanted to talk about. Piper needed to move on and I knew that deep down, she understood that. She just needed a push in the right direction.

I checked the time and it was only seven in the morning, which meant that I only slept for three hours. I didn’t hear either of the girls awake in the living room, so I went into the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. By the end of it, I was ready to have a civil, reasonable conversation with Piper.

When I was dressed and in the main area of the suite, they were still sleeping. I felt my stomach rumble and I searched the pantry and refrigerator for something to eat. I didn’t buy breakfast food, though. I only supplied the kitchen with snack foods and all of Andy’s favorites in case room service didn’t have them.

I could use a bit of fresh air, so I went back to me and Piper’s room, grabbing my coat, socks, and boots. I prepared myself for the cold weather and scribbled a quick note on the hotel notepad by our bed.

Piper & Andy

Went to get us breakfast. Love you both, my girls.

Harry x

I tore off the top sheet and left it on the dining table so that it would be easily noticed. I gathered my wallet and phone before leaving our room by half past seven.


I only ran into a few fans on my way back to the hotel at around a quarter past eight. It was freezing so I made it a point to rush home. When the elevator dumped me out at the correct floor, I balanced the tray of coffee in one hand and carried the bags of bagels and pastries in the other. I turned the final corner and heard soft sobs.

I paused and listened carefully, realizing that it was coming from next to one of the rooms. I glanced around the walls separating different doors and finally came across a mess of brown waves sprawled out over a curled up body.


Her head snapped up and she appeared startled.

“Harry! God, you scared me.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shook her head and wiped away a few tears. She was wearing a pair of sweats and one of Louis’ old hoodies that I recognized from years ago. I sat down next to her and laid the food down.

“It’s fine. I’m just trying to get this out before he wakes up.”

I nodded and pulled out an apple turnover from the plethora of breakfast foods in my bag. I handed it to her and she hesitantly took it.


She took a bite and I took a sip from my coffee.

“Wanna tell me what happened?”

Eleanor took a deep breath and finished chewing the bite she had taken.

“Well... I went to a doctor. I’m not pregnant.”

I nodded slowly. I couldn’t tell why she found this to be a bad thing. She was so stressed about how Louis would handle the information. I knew there was more to the story so I urged her to continue.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now