Chapter 15

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I woke up slowly, feeling more well-rested than I had in over a year. I didn't even remember going to sleep. I felt Harry's arm flinch a little around me, proving that he was stirring as well.

How long have we been asleep?

I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone. 9:12 am. Earlier than I thought.

I put my phone back and rolled over to face Harry, his arm still draped over my waist.

"Good morning, Harry."

I whispered playfully in his ear, forcing a grin onto his sleepy face, eyes still shut.

"And how good of a morning is it, love?"

"Well, not the best," I paused thinking about what that day would hold, "you're leaving me today for a very long time and I'm not too happy about it."

"That makes two of us."

He reached his hand up and pulled my face to him, kissing my forehead.

"I'm going to go make us some coffee. Stay right where you are, mister. Do you hear me?"

He gladly fell back into the pillows.

"Yes ma'am."

I pulled on some of my pajama pants since he didn't seem to happy about Niall seeing me somewhat exposed the night before. I buttoned his shirt up almost all the way and walked out of my room. Surprisingly, Liam and Riley were already in the living room, drinking coffee and cuddling on the couch.

"Morning guys, how was your night?"

I tried not to sound like I was teasing them too much, knowing how nervous Riley had been when we talked. But, they didn't seem to mind when I winked, uncontrollably. They just kept smiling, which also seemed uncontrollable.

"It was... fantastic."

They giggled to each other, pretending that I was gone again. Can't wait to hear about that one!

I walked over to the coffee maker and realized that they had made a full pot. I decided to check the fridge to see if there was anything edible. I pulled out a carton of eggs, some bread, and miniature sausages. I grabbed two pans and turned the stove on. I put all of the eggs into a bowl and whisked them until they were blended, pouring the scrambled eggs into one pan and putting all of the mini sausages on the other. When the eggs were almost done, I found some shredded cheeses and scattered them on top, letting it all melt in before turning off the stove. As the sausages finished, I put two pieces of bread in the toaster and found some butter and jam. Almost right after I tuned the burner off that the sausages were on, the bread sprung out of the toaster, perfectly browned. I got two plates out and divvied some eggs and sausages for me and Harry. I put a piece of toast on each plate and cut them in half, buttering them and putting raspberry jam on top. I found two glasses and filled them halfway with orange juice. I poured our coffee, leaving his black like he liked it and pouring cream into mine. I reached between the fridge and counter to find one of our trays that we used to eat on while watching TV. I set all of our things on the tray, including forks and napkins, and carefully picked it up, walking back to my room.

"Oh, come on, don't spoil him like that, Piper. You'll never get rid of him!"

"That's the plan."

I just stuck my tongue out at Liam and he laughed in response. I was glad that I hadn't closed the door all the way because I was able to lean against it backwards, pushing it open without dropping anything. Harry hadn't fallen back asleep but he was still laying there with his eyes closed and the comforter wrapped around him. When I walked toward the bed, I put the tray on the bedside table nearest him and jumped on top of him, gaining laughter from us both. He pulled me over to straddle him, pulling my body close to his.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now