Chapter 62

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As soon as Piper ran down the hallway and I realized she wasn’t stopping, I picked Andy up and grabbed my wallet before walking down the hall and knocking loudly on Liam’s door. After a few echoing slams against the door, he finally swung it open, eyes squinting because of the lights in the hall.

“What the-“

“Liam, I’m so sorry, but can you please watch Andy? There’s a bunch of food in our room. Here’s the key. Piper ran off after the room service attendant and I don’t know what the hell is going on.”

Liam nodded, still half asleep and entirely unaware of what was going on. I handed him our room key and my daughter who was staring at me in confusion and sadness.

“Be good for Uncle Liam, okay?”

She nodded and started to tear up so I kissed her forehead and ran off down the hallway, searching for my girlfriend.


“I can explain, Piper. I really can. I shouldn’t, though.”

I stepped back and took another good look at Matthew. How the hell was he alive? I saw him die over a year ago.

“I don’t- I don’t understand. Is this some sort of sick joke? Are you like... his twin or something?”

I didn’t know what to think, much less what to say. I still felt like it was all a dream. Everything happened so fast.

“Can we sit down? I’ll tell you as much as I can. You just look like you might pass out.”

I took a deep breath and fought back the tears that were impossible to stop. I sat on the edge of the bottom step and held my knees close to my chest, unable to take my eyes off of the ghost of a man beside me.

“Please, just make sense of all of this.”

I gazed into his eyes and tried to find something, anything, that would prove him a fake. He had the same glimmer in his eye, though, that I remembered so clearly. I always scared myself into thinking I forgot what he really looked like, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. He just exudes familiarity in his every movement.

“Piper, what you saw that night. It was a set up. It was all fake: the murderer, the eyewitness, the blood. It was all to protect you. Well, you and everyone close to me.”

I felt my body begin to shake as his words rang through my ears. I couldn’t tell exactly how I felt, but I was definitely confused.

“What are you talking about? Please don’t try to sugar coat this, Matt. I need to know the truth. I spent too much time trying to be a human being again after you- well, after I thought you died. Those were the worst months of my life. My first inclination right now is to be angry, so please give me a reason to feel differently.”

He sighed and started to fiddle with his fingers.

“Two years ago, I started getting mixed up with some people that I shouldn’t have. I wanted easy money and I was just... stupid. I can’t give you details, but I ended up putting everyone in danger and if I tell you too much, I’m just defeating the entire purpose of faking my death. God, I didn’t want you to find out. You were never supposed to know, Piper. When I saw that your boyfriend was staying here, I tried to ask off of work, but they wouldn’t let me. I didn’t want to risk you being here and seeing me. Fuck-“

“Stop rambling. I’m so confused. Matt, we were so happy. Everything was going so well and you’re trying to tell me that the entire time you were living a double life? Why? Why did you need money?”

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now