Chapter 23

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When I woke up on Thursday, I felt like my head was going to explode. Why did I drink so much in the middle of the week? My eyes were heavy and my stomach was constantly turning. I awoke suddenly at about 5 am, running to the bathroom to vomit. I hadn't felt like that since the first time I drank. I didn't think that I was that drunk, but James kept giving me drinks and I honestly didn't know how many they ended up being. I reached for my phone and saw that I had 4 texts, all from Harry. 

*FROM: Harry <3

Let me know when you get home safe. x*

*FROM: Harry <3

Are you alright, Piper?*

*FROM: Harry <3 

Are you mad at me because I didn't say it back?*

What was that last one about?

*FROM: Harry <3

I guess you're okay. Liam talked to Riley. Sorry for being a stalker. x*

I felt really bad for not seeing his texts. It seemed like he stayed up later than planned to make sure I got home okay.

*TO: Harry <3

Hey, I'm so so sorry. I came home and fell asleep immediately. I didn't even see your messages. What do you mean, am I mad at you? For not saying what? You're allowed to stalk me anytime ;) Miss you. Just text me when you wake up- I know it's early. Kisses*

I fell back into my pillows and wrapped my sheets tightly around me. I needed aspirin. Bad.

I threw the covers off of my body reluctantly, sticking my phone in my sweat pants pocket and walked into the kitchen, quietly so I wouldn't wake Riley. That was pointless because she was already on the couch, studying what seemed to be some sort of Algebra.

"Morning, Pip. What time did you get home?"

"Good morning, mom," I rolled my eyes at her sarcastically, "I'm not really sure; I'd have to ask James and Ash."

"Gotcha. So, you've been hanging out with them a lot, huh? They seem nice."

It was true, I had hung out with them multiple times since James first introduced me to the group. There was James and Ashlee, his step-sister (but I swear they hook up sometimes), Mark, another guy in my Psych class, his friend Colby, and Colby's girlfriend Hilary. They were all great to be around, and they enjoyed the same things as me; they weren't especially rowdy and they liked to just hang out and talk. The past few times it's only been James, Ashlee and I though because the other three were pretty slammed with school; each taking about eight classes and working part-time. 

"Yeah, you should come hang out with us sometime."

"Alright," she didn't seem thrilled at my invitation, "you know you had Harry worried sick, right?"

I let out a heavy sigh. I knew that was what it was about.

"I know, I feel terrible about it; but I guess I just didn't look at my phone."

"Yeah, I know. He's not mad; he just couldn't sleep so Liam called me at like 3 and you were already home. You know, I don't think he'll ever tell you this, but I'm not so sure he's thrilled about the amount of time you're spending with James. Have you guys talked about it?"

Harry knew that James was just a friend; and we have a class together so it was nice to have a study partner. I had thought about it though and that's why I told Harry the day I met James that I planned on hanging out with him. He reacted fine so I never really thought about it again.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now