Chapter 17

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When we left the dorms, everyone seemed to still be sleeping and we were able to reach the two black SUV's parked out front without being seen. Liam, Riley, Piper, and I climbed into one and Louis, Zayn, and Niall climbed into the other. Liam and Riley climbed to the very back row and Piper and I took the middle. The driver pulled away as we put our seatbelts on. A security guard sitting in the front seat waved politely but returned to looking at his phone immediately. He didn't look familiar.

I snaked my arm around Piper's shoulders and gave her the cheesiest grin I could muster. We were going to Disney after all. She mirrored my action and leaned in to lay on my shoulder. I could hear Liam and Riley giggling and talking softly to each other in the back but I just ignored it.

I wished that Piper could just come with us on tour. It would be nice to have her around in between every show but I couldn't just drag her behind me as if she didn't have a life of her own. She was in University, for God's sake. She was just as busy as I was and actually had to put some focus into her work. I knew I wasn't helping with any of that already. Surely, she needed to study on the weekend but I hadn't seen her pick up one book since we had been there and today wouldn't be any different. I tried to think of something else besides the fact that I was already bringing her down. Why couldn't we have met at school, both just happening to be at the same University, and just have a normal relationship? We probably wouldn't have moved so quickly, but there would have been no need. I could have taken her on proper dates; at least 4 before sleeping with her. I couldn't complain about the pace of our relationship too much; I was just glad that we were on the same page.

My phone began to vibrate in my pocket, continually, so I knew it was a call. I pulled it out and the color from my face left as I saw the name on caller ID. Karen. Why the fuck was she calling me? I got her emails and responded where needed but there could only be one reason she was calling me on tour. I looked nervously at Piper but she didn't seem to notice how frantic I was. She nodded at me to take the call so I slid my thumb across the screen to answer.


"Harry. Look, I'm really sorry to bother you. It's just Andrea..."

"Is she okay? What happened? Tell me!" It's what I was afraid of when I saw her name. I was really hoping that she was just being a bitch and calling me for no reason.

"She's... She's alright. We're at the hospital, but don't panic. I just wanted you to be aware of the situation."

"What situation, Karen? Just fucking tell me!"

I felt Liam's hand meet my shoulder in concern but I shrugged it off. I hadn't meant to be rude to him, I was just overwhelmed and my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Harry, she's going to be okay! She just needed some stitches because she fell off the monkey bars at daycare. She cut her knee pretty badly but she's being very brave."

"Can you put her on the phone please?"

Piper looked at me sympathetically. and grabbed my free hand, squeezing it comfortingly. I appreciated her gesture and it calmed me down a little as I waited to talk to Andrea. I started to stroke her hand with my thumb. I was going to have to explain myself when we were alone.


As soon as I heard her little voice, my heart stopped racing so much and I started to smile.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you? Did you get hurt?"

"Yeah, but doctah says i'm okay."

"Yeah, you'll be alright. I'm sorry I'm not there with you but I'm so proud of you for being a brave girl."

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now