Chapter 3

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Damn. What just happened? I didn't have time to answer the questions in my head as the next few fans piled in to say hello and take a picture. The rest of the meet and greet was all sort of a blur. Sure, I've met plenty of gorgeous fans that I would be lucky to have. But, something about her just set me on fire. Piper, wasn't it? Of course, she slipped something into my pocket. I needed to find a moment alone so I could see what it was. Why was she so different? I've had numbers slipped into my pocket before. I've had them thrown at me from a crowd along with other private things. Why was I so much more intrigued this time? I didn't have answers. 

"Mate, you alright?"

Liam patted me on the back as the rest of the guys began to rush back to the dressing rooms.

"Yeah, yeah I am. Sorry, just in a bit of a daze."

"Ha, yeah, I saw the way you looked at her... and hey, did you see her friend? Damn..." he paused in deep thought, "Come on, we gotta hurry."

He chuckled and shook his head as he jogged off to his dressing room. After he left, I slowly followed behind, reaching into the pocket of my shirt. I unfolded the small sheet of paper and on it in dainty scribbled cursive was her name and phone number followed by an 'xoxo'.

I smiled curtly to myself and stumbled off to get ready.


By the time we found our seats, I finally felt capable of speaking to some degree. I turned to Riley, who still seems to be on cloud 9 as well, and get her attention.

"So, I don't know how to take what happened in there."

"I can't even think straight right now. But, what do you mean?"

"I just, I don't know. I got something from Harry. As if he was coming on to me. But, that's impossible."

"What happened?!"

I told her exactly what happened, which seemed to be a lot longer when it happened. The fact the greatest point of my life so far occurred in less than a minute made me shudder. 

"You put your number in his pocket!? Oh my god!!!!!"

She squealed and laughed uncontrollably.

"He's totally going to call you..."

Riley stopped talking abruptly as the opening act took the stage. This was going to be a long night. 

"I am pretty sure that this was the best show ever," my voice cracked, "I think I'm losing my voice."

"You do know that we have to see them every tour, right?" Riley asked this question rhetorically of course and didn't even wait for a reply. "Let's get something to eat, I'm starved!"

"Chili's sound alright?"

"Sure, anything is fine with me."

As we got into the car, we mapped out how to get to the restaurant since we weren't familiar with the area. Finding it easily, I didn't need to focus on the GPS to navigate us to our destination. I shoved my phone back into my purse and we arrived within minutes. After we were seated and ordered our drinks, I searched my purse for my phone again.  I checked the time, which was 10:30 and set my cell phone on the table. Wait. Did I have a text message? From a number that wasn't saved in my phone? Riley saw the bewilderment in my facade.

"Umm, what is it?"

She asked, obviously remembering the note I slipped in Harry Styles' pocket earlier. She peered over the table at my phone as I answered.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now