Chapter 18

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Trying to get into Disney with Harry was next to impossible. We had to push our way through crowds of people, Harry stopping to take a few pictures and sign a few things. It didn't even feel like there was a security guard there. I tried to stay as close to him as possible but it was difficult with the sea of people pushing and pulling like a current. They allowed us our own monorail car which was a relief. Harry wrapped his arm around me as we sat down and I texted Riley to see where they were. I laid my head on Harry's broad shoulder and enjoyed the last few minutes of silence that we would have all day. I don't know why I thought Disney with One Direction would be an easy feat. They weren't even able to stay in my dorm in peace; Disney was crawling with fans, many of whom were probably at their concert the night before. The bodyguard stood awkwardly on the other side of the monorail car and stared at his phone. I finally got a response from Riley as were about to stop. 

*FROM: Ri <3

We're waiting for you guys just inside the park, in the same building as the character meets but to the right. CRAZY getting in here.*

At least it seemed like they had a hidden place to regroup. When the monorail halted, the bodyguard waited by the doors before they opened, revealing screaming girls who had obviously seem us board.

"PLEASE, back up and make room."

The guard repeated himself many more times and Harry pulled me through the crowd, holding my waist so that he wouldn't lose me. As we left the ramp, it calmed down a little. Parents seemed to be forcing their daughters back with their families and we reached a break where there weren't really any people. We still hurried to the entrance and were taken to the side by the guard, who was evidently familiar with the process. My bag was checked and Harry showed them the ticket he had printed before we left the dorm and they scanned my pass. We entered through a hidden walkway which seemed to be reserved for workers. I was going to see a side of Disney that I had never seen before.

"Hey, you okay?"

He pulled me closer to him, obviously noticing how overwhelmed I was. I started feeling my heart calm down a little, which I was thankful for. I did not want Harry to see me have and anxiety attack; it would be so embarrassing.

"Yeah. I guess I just didn't think about how crazy this was going to be."

He dropped his hand from my waist and grabbed my hand instead, making it a little easier to walk as we approached the building that the group was in from a back door.

"HEY! There you guys are. Took long enough."

Riley pulled me away from Harry and I could tell that she was eager to know what we talked about. I hadn't asked Harry if I could share that information with her but I doubted that he'd want me to, seeing as no one knew and it was such high profile information. I would have to talk to him about it later. I smiled at Riley to reassure her that the talk was not a negative one and she let out a small sigh of relief, letting me return to Harry's arms. I small female employee walked into the room and smiled brightly, preparing to answer our questions. She was wearing a business-type outfit, dress pants and shirt, so she obviously worked inside, not in the heat.

"So, how are we going to get anywhere?" Harry wasted no time.

"You guys will be escorted to each ride by your guards and officers that we will provide. You will be placed on the rides immediately on arrival. Dinner will be served privately in Cinderella's castle at whichever time you decide. We want to make your visit as enjoyable as possible so please, let our staff know if there is anything we can do for you. Is there anything I can help you with right now?"

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now