Chapter 59

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*A month later (December)*


"Andy! Your daddy wants to talk to you!"

I sat on my mom's couch after a long conversation with Harry and waited as I heard Andrea's little feet patter on the hard-wood floor. She soon scurried around the corner and jumped up on my lap, grabbing at the phone enthusiastically. I giggled and put it on speaker-phone.


"Hi, baby girl! Are you having fun?"

She was still catching her breath from her excited run across the house.

"Yes! Pipew and momma took me to Disney again the day before today and I met Cindewella!"

"Wow! That's so great! Are you excited to come to New York?"

Andy bounced up and down and I held my arms out in case she fell over.

"Yes! I can't wait!"

"I think we both are!"

I chimed in. The past month had been something like a blessing. Karen had grown fond of my family quickly and I knew she felt at home within their first week here. They arrived a few days before Thanksgiving and it was the perfect opportunity for her to get to know everyone. When Harry and I had told my parents about his daughter, they were thrilled at the prospect of having Karen and Andy stay with them.

I had started to really like Karen and we frequently laughed together about our first meeting. Getting to know each other better was all we needed to become close friends. It really made everything easier and even brought Harry and I closer. I knew it killed him that Andrea was so close, yet he was unable to see her. However, I think it comforted him to know she was with me and that she was having the time of her life.

"Well, that makes three of us. Look, I have to go, but I will see you both in a few days. I love you guys!"

"Love you!"

Andy and I spoke in unison, making her giggle as I hung up. I really couldn't wait for our trip. Not only were we attending the charity event from Harry's first gift to me, but Karen was allowing me to take Andy alone, giving her some much-needed alone time at a five-star resort and spa. I was more than thrilled at the prospect of spending a week alone with Andy and Harry. Well, and the other boys. Karen, Riley, my parents and Cory, as well as Harry's family, would meet us after the first week so that we could all spend Christmas together.

"I'm so excited, Pipew!"

"Me, too! You know, you should go help your mommy pack your suitcase!"

She smiled brightly and I shooed her away. I knew Karen wanted as much time with her daughter before we left, since she had never been away from her for such a long time before. When she was safely up the stairs, I joined my mom and Riley in the kitchen.

"Need help with dinner?"

They stood on opposite ends of the room, Riley chopping vegetables and mom stirring something over the stove.

"That's alright, sweetie, I think it's all taken care of."

Mom smiled at me and I sat on a nearby barstool, snacking on some nearby crackers and cheese.

"So, Karen and I are taking you and Andy to the airport on Friday, right?"

"Yeah, I should start packing. Two weeks is a long time and that's a lot to pack for, especially in the winter."

"Why did I sign up for a holiday semester?"

Riley sighed and winked at me.

"Because, you're graduating! I wish you were coming the whole time, though."

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now