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I gladly left the room when Piper showed up. I was done having that conversation with Riley anyway. No good was coming from it and it was only making us both angry.

Besides, I was sure that Harry would be in some state of distress with Piper bawling like she was.

I knocked lightly on his door and after a couple minutes, he opened it, his eyes bloodshot and watery.

"Hey, Li. I'm guessing they kicked you out?"

I laughed ironically and ran a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, something like that. I needed a break, though."

He seemed to understand my meaning and rolled his eyes.

"Is it a full moon out tonight because it seems like the women have gone mad."

We chuckled and sat down on the nearby couch.

"So, what's going on on your end, Harry?"

He sighed and played with the hem of his shirt.

"I honestly haven't a clue. One minute everything's fine and the next she's fighting tears and escaping to your room. Literally nothing happened, Li."

"That you know of, at least. Do you think it has something to do with everyone showing up today?"

He shrugged and avoided eye contact.

"Can I tell you something and trust that you'll never speak of it to anyone... Especially Riley?"

I sat up, enthralled by the seriousness in his voice.

"Yeah, of course, H."

He gripped the flannel of his pajamas and I saw new tears forming.

"I mean it, Liam. You can't tell a soul. Ever."

"Harry, did you kill someone?"

He laughed at that, lightening the mood slightly.

"Quite the opposite topic, actually. You know Piper's ex? The one who died?"

I slowly nodded, because, yeah, I'd heard a lot about him.

"Matt, was it?"

"Still is."

It took me a while to understand what he was trying to convey to me.

"Wait... He's not dead? Dear lord; does Piper know?"

Harry sat back on the couch and rubbed his temples.

"Yes, yes, she knows. Remember that day I brought Andy by and was like panicking?"

"Which time, mate? Because, quite frankly, that's happened a few times this week."

He scoffed and took a deep breath.

"The first time. He had been our f*cking room service attendant and she like chased after him. Long story short, he faked his own death-"

"To get away from Piper?"

"No! To protect her, actually. I wish it weren't such a noble reason."

He was a mess, that's for sure. I rested my hand on his shoulder and tried to put off a good energy. Obviously, his and Piper's issues were on a different level than mine and Riley's.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now