Chapter 29

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Waking up the next morning was refreshing. I slept so well since I didn't have to wake up to an alarm and Harry was there. I rolled over to face him and he was sprawled on his back, snoring lightly. After the events of the day before, I decided to let him sleep more, so I slipped out of the sheets, putting on the pajamas that never made it onto my body before walking downstairs. As soon as I opened my door, I smelled bacon and coffee. It felt so good to be home and I wondered why I didn't visit more often. Riley and my mom were sitting at the kitchen table, talking in hushed voice so as to not wake anyone.

"Morning, sleepy head."

My mom got up and kissed my forehead, walking into the kitchen to make me a cup of coffee. I simply smiled, still rubbing sleep away from my eyes.

"We have pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit. Can I make you a plate?"

"No, mom! Sit down! I can get it myself."

I shooed her back to her chair and she complied, handing me my coffee first. I thanked her and grabbed a plate to fill before sitting between the two of them at the table.

"It was weird sleeping in your guest room. I don't think I ever have!"

Riley laughed and took a sip of her coffee.

"Not gonna lie, it was weird having you and dad know that I had a boy in my bed."

"Know? You think we didn't know the other times? Come on, Piper. Give us some credit."

My jaw dropped and I chuckled at her blunt statement. My mom was the best. I never felt like I needed to hide anything from her. Before Matt died, yeah, I hid some things from her. I didn't share with her when I lost my virginity, for example. Ever since he was gone, though, I called my mom about everything. The fact that I hadn't told her about Harry was just because I hadn't seen her within that time period. She was such a great person to be close to because she never judged and always had helpful advice.

"Did Harry sleep good?"

"Once I let him!" We all giggled before I answered seriously. "Well, he's still snoring, so I'm pretty sure he slept great."

As soon as I said it, I heard the stairs make a familiar creaking noise so I knew someone else was up. Harry ran his hand through his messy hair, but he looked so much more rested than I had seen him in weeks. He was wearing a black tee-shirt and long flannel pajamas; the complete opposite of what he was wearing when I left the bed- nothing.

"Morning, baby. Can I get you some coffee?"

I walked over and kissed his cheek and he pulled me into a cozy hug.

"Sure. Do I smell bacon?"

"Yep! Sit down; I'll make you a plate."

He stumbled over to the table and sat in the chair across from where I had been sitting. I stacked food onto his plate, more than he could finish, I was sure, but there was more than enough for everyone. I put the plate in front of him, as well as a cup of coffee and sat down in my chair again. He grabbed the fork off of the table and started shoveling food into his mouth. 

"Looks like someone wore you out last night."

He choked on his food, still not used to my mom's blatant personality. I smiled at him so that he knew I didn't feel awkward. He laughed and just continued eating, only stopping every once in a while to chew.

"Mom, what is everyone doing today?"

"Well, if your brother and dad ever get out of bed, we plan on going to your school to figure out Cory's dorm situation."

"What? Why doesn't he just live with us? We have that empty room just sitting there for someone we actually like!"

"Do you think he'd want to, Piper? I mean, we're not the coolest."

"Riley, I'm sure he'd love to have someone pick up after him."

My mom loved the idea so we decided to mention it to him when he woke up. My dad was awake next, not talking to anyone until after he was half-way done with his coffee. He had always been grumpy in the morning; my entire life. Once he was fully aware of his surroundings we informed him of our idea to have Cory live with us and he seemed thrilled. Cory was the baby in my family so they always worried about him even though he never gave them reason to. He had a few girlfriends in high school, but none that lasted very long. He didn't party or drink too much. My parents never expected us to be perfect so we grew up thinking that drinking was fine in moderation. I even went through a phase where I smoked pot and, being the hippies they are, they didn't mind as long as I didn't let it interfere with the rest of my life. Since my parents were older, they understood life a little more, and they were truly wise. I respected them both so much which made my rebellious years a little less extreme.

I looked over to Harry and he looked comfortable with my parents, not as uptight as he was the night before. I could tell that he had been nervous talking to my family about his, but that morning, he seemed happy to be there, and not just because of me. I was so glad he surprised me like he did; I wouldn't have let him come otherwise and since he did, he knew about Matt, told me he loved me, and became close to my parents. Remembering that I thought they would scare him off became humorous. 

"There he is! About time you woke up!"

Cory straggled down the stairs, obviously only getting up to make us happy. He sat down between Harry and Riley, resting his face in his hands.

"Whenever we're all ready, we're going to go to campus. Piper actually has a proposition to make regarding your dorm."


"Well, I was thinking... We have that extra room and bathroom! You could just come stay with us!"

He looked skeptical. 

"What's in it for you?"

"Nothing! I just miss you and the room's just going to waste. It would save money, too."

He looked at my parents and then back at me, finally nodding his head in unenthusiastic agreement.

"Sure, that'd be fine."

Riley high-fived him, welcoming our new roommate. 

"Awesome! Well, when we get there, we can add him to the lease."

Once we were done talking, everyone dispersed from the kitchen, except for me and Harry since we offered to clean up. Harry brought all of the plates to the sink and I gathered the pans and utensils used for cooking. I loaded the dishwasher and he started to hand wash the rest.

"So, is it going to be weird when I come visit since your brother will be there now?"

"Nah, it'll be fine. He really likes you, ya know. He won't say it yet, but I can tell."

"Good, I like him, too. But, I hate to think that we'll have to be quiet with him around."

"Oh, I'm not opposed to kicking him AND Riley out for a few hours."

We both chuckled and finished up the dishes.

"Can we take a non-sexual shower today?"

"No promises, but we can try."

The moment we walked into the bathroom, I knew our effort was hopeless. As soon as the shower was on and his shirt was on the floor, I felt his body crash into mine, trapping me against the wall. I didn't want to make everyone wait on us, but I couldn't control myself around him. I pulled my tank top over my head, tossing it aside as he pulled down my shorts.

"I knew we couldn't take a normal shower."

"Of course we can't, Piper. That's why you suggested it."

He was right. My body melted as his tongue found my center.

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now