Chapter 64

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Harry rested his hand on my shoulder, but I brushed it away and hurried to the window, staring at the envelope for a few seconds before carefully tearing the top. I was scared that this was going to be the last memory I would ever have of Matthew and I didn’t want to rip it to shreds.

A loose leaf sheet of paper was folded neatly inside. My hands shook as I opened it and I leaned against the window so that the sunlight shone through and lit up the letter. I glanced up at Harry and he was staring at me with a worried expression.

“Do you want me to leave?”

I shook my head because I couldn’t bear to read this letter alone in Matthew’s abandoned apartment. Even if it was selfish of me, I needed Harry. He turned to Paul, nodding for him to step outside and wait for us. Harry wrapped me in his arms and kissed my forehead before sitting down on the floor, patting a spot next to him. I sat down, feeling weak at the knees already even though I hadn’t even read the first word.

“I’ll just sit here and hold your hand, okay?”

I nodded, still speechless and having no idea what to expect. I leaned my back against the wall, resting my hand on Harry’s knee. He held my hand between both of his and I felt a pang of guilt for putting him in this position. Either way, I was so thankful that he was there.

I held the open piece of paper in front of me, close enough so that I could see it through the tears that were building up in the corners of my eyes. I took a deep breath and told myself not to cry until I read it all. Harry was there to help me be strong and I had to follow through with that.

My dearest Pip,

I know you probably want to murder me right now; well, maybe murder isn’t the right word (ha ha). Okay, I know it isn’t the time for ridiculous puns and I’m sorry.

Anyway, by now I’ve been gone for a while. Well, it depends on how long it took you to bribe my boss. Knowing you, it wasn’t that long. Either way, I’m always ready to run. New York City isn’t the only place I’ve been. I started in Raleigh and kind of just moved north. I’ll be on my way to somewhere unknown to me even and I can’t express enough how important it is for you to not come looking for me. 

I also trust that you’ll realize that it’s in the best interest of everyone if you keep this to yourself. I really hate to ask all of this of you, babe. Scratch that. Sorry for the pet name. I’ve never stopped loving you. There’s never been anyone else. No one that lasted more than a night; I know you don’t want to hear about that. God, I don’t know why I’m saying all of this. I’m never coming back. I can’t. Well, there’s always possibilities, but I don’t want you getting your hopes up. Besides, Harry’s good for you. I can tell that he makes you happy and doesn’t put you in danger like I did.

I suppose that all that’s left to say is that I never meant to hurt you and I’m sorry I was such an idiot. If I wasn’t such a fuck up, we could be done with school, married maybe. This letter was supposed to be closure, but all it’s done is stir up old emotions from me and I hope it doesn’t do the same for you, but either way I had to say more. I hope you understand why I couldn’t stick around. Tell Harry that I’m glad I could meet him and that he better take care of you. Fuck, I don’t have any right to even say that, but still... I’m so so sorry again. I love you. Forever. I’m sorry I can’t be there to prove it all the time, but it will always be true.

Love, Matty

P.S. Sorry that this letter ended up being so sporadic and messy. I wish I had enough time to write you a proper letter full of closure, but I really need to go. God, I’m so sorry.

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