Chapter 42

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“Piper, are you still there?”

“Yeah, sorry. Umm, actually, Detective Kamp, I don’t think I’m going to press-“ I am cut off by a beep on my phone. Harry was on the other line. Finally. My heart skipped a beat as I spoke quickly into the phone, “I’m going to have to call you back tomorrow. Someone’s on the other line.”


I clicked over excitedly, unable to contain my relief.


“Piper! Are you… okay?”

“No, I’m not. Where have you been?”

I didn’t want to sound like a bitch, but I was honestly irritated that he hadn’t contacted me on that terrible day. He obviously knew about the rumors based on the way he asked if I was alright.

“I’m so sorry, I just saw everything; well, more than I wanted to. God, who the fuck leaked that information?”

Was he avoiding my question? Where had he been?

“I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about it and maybe it was James. Maybe he’s trying to prove a point.”

“Maybe… Speaking of which, the reason I haven’t looked at my phone all day is because I’ve been in meetings. I met with the legal team about some… other things and told them about the incident. They are trustworthy because they’re legally bound and can’t say anything, obviously, but they came up with some ideas in case James really has the balls to mess with me. There’s just one thing.”

Oh, god.

“What is it?”

“I can’t come to Florida for a while.”

“What? I can’t see you? For how long?”

“No, we can meet up. I just can’t come there.”

“Oh, okay. I can handle that.”

We sat in silence. There was so much to be said, but I didn’t want any of it to be spoken. I sighed deeply, thinking about everything all over again.

“Piper, we’re going to get through this. Together.”

“I wish the together could be more literal.”

“I know, me too. You should get some sleep, love.”

“You’re probably right. I really should go to class tomorrow.”

I was really dreading going back. That weekend had been a whirlwind of events that had pulled me away from reality almost entirely.

“I love you, Piper.”

“I love you, too. Sleep well.”


I pressed end and set my phone down, making sure my alarm was set. As soon as my head hit the pillow, my mind raced once again. I knew that Harry still wanted me to press charges and had even taken steps to prevent the worst from happening. I breathed deeply and eventually drifted off.


Harry hung up the phone and ran his fingers through his hair, pacing the floor. Little did Piper know that the lawyers were still there, only they were never there about James. He didn’t lie; they discussed options, but that only covered about an hour of the many that had been spent there. We left to go to the venue, but as soon as we were back, Harry met with them again. The real reason they were there was because Harry was battling for custody of Andrea. I knew Karen was bad news, but this was too much. Harry had done everything he could during the most hectic time of his life. I honestly respected him so much for the effort he put into being a father. He could have easily paid child support and had no connection with her, but he was constantly thinking about Andy. Besides Piper, she was all he talked about. When we’re in the U.K. we often didn’t see him for weeks at first because he’s spending as much time with his daughter as he can. I sat on the couch, overhearing bits and pieces.

“Harry, we’re trying, but it’s difficult to keep partial custody when you’re gone so much. She’s really pushing for full custody.”

“Why now? I’ve done everything she’s fucking asked. She can’t take my daughter from me!”

Harry was upset from the moment he stepped off the plane. I rode over to pick him up and warned him in the car of what was awaiting him at the hotel. The entire day was hectic. I laid back on the couch and pulled out my phone. I didn’t have any notifications and that was honestly my fault. I hadn’t contacted Riley that morning when I woke up. I remembered everything and I did tell her my true feelings. I just kind of wished I hadn’t so soon. I was still so hurt and it felt wrong to move on so quickly. I just missed talking to her. I really wanted to see her. I stared at my phone and thought about everything that happened. This was exactly what led to her sleeping with Cory in the first place. Me avoiding talking to her. Sure, I had nobler reasons before, but either way I needed to be upfront and honest. I dialed her number, knowing she was probably sleeping. I didn’t care. I hear a groggy voice through the speaker.


“Hey, Riley. I’m- I’m sorry to wake you.”



She cleared her throat and I waited for her to say something, her voice clear and more aware.

“It’s fine. I’m really glad you called. How are you?”

She was probably trying to see if I was drunk again.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry for calling you before; in the state I was in.”


Disappointment masked her speech.

“I did mean it all, Riley. Just know, I’m still hurt, but… I do want to move on from all this. I’ve been seeing all this crazy stuff happening with everyone, and we really don’t have that much to fix in comparison.”

I let out a weak laugh and hear her do the same.

“Liam, it’s such a relief to hear you say that sober. I-I just want you to know how sincerely sorry I am. I acted out of doubt. Doubt of your feelings and that was wrong of me. I know you haven’t forgiven me yet, and it’ll take time, but let’s take it a day at a time. I think we can figure it out.”

“I think we can, too. When can I see you?”

“I’ll talk to Piper. You know her and Harry can’t stay away from each other long.”

I chuckled and glanced at Harry on the other side of the room looking stressed beyond belief. The lawyers seem to be packing up and one pats Harry’s shoulder consolingly.

“Harry, you’ll have to be in England for the court date. We’ll let you know when that’s set.”

“Liam? Hello?”

Riley’s pestering pulled me right back to the phone conversation but I saw Harry’s face contort in a familiar way. I knew he was going to cry.

“Ri, I’m sorry. I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow, I promise.”

I heard her say goodnight as I hung up, setting my phone down and rushing to Harry’s side. I hugged him tightly as he angrily sobbed into his hands. 

“Liam, it’s just not fair.”

“Don’t worry, Harry. Everything is going to work out.”

He wiped the tears from his face and sat down in the large cushioned chair by the window.

“It’s all just so fucked up. Every last bit of it.”

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now