Chapter 67

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A/N: Sorry about any major errors... I didn't have time to look it over, but I will tonight. xx 


My legs were crossed under the table and my knee bounced rapidly. I don’t know why I was so on edge, but it probably had something to do with the pretentious assholes that me and Harry were surrounded by. It made me sick to see all of those people feeling as though the deserved a party for donating. Not only that, but they needed a party to donate more. 

It had always bothered me how so many wealthy people didn’t do as much as they could. I knew that Harry and all of the guys were extremely interested in donating their money and time to help those in need. And they’re fucking busy as hell. Harry’s mum advocates for several charities. Hell, my parents donated all the time when I was young. We were always volunteering for different organizations. Why the hell do these people need the motivation of a high class party to hand over a seemingly small amount of money that could impact so many people.

“What are you thinking about? I can tell it isn’t good.”

I had intended on continuing to ignore Harry, but that was beginning to feel impossible. If I didn’t get these dumb feelings toward these pompous people off my chest, then I may have bursted.

“I just hate looking around and seeing so many people here for the wrong reasons. It’s all so they can prove to each other that they’re rich and ‘care’ about people. If I had half the money they have, then I’d give half of that away. I don’t get it.”

Harry leaned over the round table, which was thankfully secluded from the rest, and clasps my wrist lightly with his right hand.

“I know, love. I figured you felt that way. I’m sorry- I wish there were something more I could do than place bids on a bunch of shit no one needs.”

I couldn’t help but to grin proudly at him. I knew how much Harry cared for other people; it was evident in the way he treated complete strangers who badgered him in the streets. He’s always kind-hearted and respectful.

“Thank you, Harry.”

I said it quietly, due to my thick pride, but remembering the reason I was there- because Harry donated a large amount of money on my behalf, after knowing me for a short time- made me realize how much he had done for me. All of this shit with Matthew had torn us apart in a matter of minutes and I completely threw away everything we had built.

Harry was looking at the menu, but his eyes shifted up immediately at my words.

“For what?”

He closed the menu and set it down on the table, giving me his undivided attention. So, this was when we were going to talk. I suppose it was as good a time as any. Neither of us would make a scene here and Andy wasn’t around to be petrified.

“For everything. I’ve been ungrateful these past few days. I mean, I don’t agree with how you handled the situation, but I can understand why you were upset and wanted me to get over it quickly. No good is going to come from me meditating on the past and trying to help someone who obviously doesn’t want my help. I just got caught up in it because he used to mean so much to me, Harry, and he probably always will. But, if I’m being honest with myself, he isn’t the same guy I knew as a teenager. That boy is long gone and I know that even if he were to technically come back, he would never really ‘come back’ as the same person everyone misses,” Harry slides his hand back to me and I give him mine in atonement, “I’m sorry that I was so selfish and I’m sorry for ignoring your attempts to help me. Being here now reminds me of everything you’ve done for me and I’ve basically made myself unworthy of any of it.”

You Make It Real (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now