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Niecy Written

They say evil exist, but never did I think it would exist in me. Trouble never seems to resist me. Been hurt by people with the same flesh as me, with the same fucked up mess as me, I had destiny and they had less then me. Here I the flesh, my empty hatred heart beating out of my chest. Why should one steal, why should one kill? Because some people bring folks like me hell. So therefore I keep my guard up, I'll be damned if another soul leave me scared up. Everyone kicked me over like a bucket, no motherfucker can be trusted, my mind is flooded and my body is cold blooded.

No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when I go

Ronnie(2003) Age-9

"You're crazy! Get ya fucking hands off me!" I heard my mother scream from the living room . My parents were fighting like they did every other night. My younger sister , Shyia , and I was forced to listen, because it was perpetual . They were both alcoholics and heavy drug addicts . Their physical battles could get really violent, scaring me in my sister to death.

"You tink I'm playing wit' yeh heh?!" My father grunted, letting his Jamaican accent slurred. We heard glass break, a few hits, then my mother begin screaming for her life.

I stormed into the living room in stood between them.

"No No! Please don't fight! No Daddy No!"

My father stopped and glaced back at me, the exspression on his face was sorta saddened. Shyia ran into the room and hid behind my leg, frightened by their behavior. She streched her hands out reaching for my father, he picked her up and pulled me by my head resting my head on his lower stomach.

"It's going to be alright girls. Your mother is just stupid, that's all."

My mother shouted as she walked into the kitchen. "No motherfucka' you're the stupid one! And that's why I'm seeing other people. I have no time for this shit!" She started pouring her self a tall glass of wine. I watched as she took a big gump of it, then lit her pipe.

"You're just pipe sucking hoe! That's all you ever be!"

"And your just a pathetic bastard, who's a broke ass, with bad credit, bad breath and bad sex! That's why I cheat. Stupid bastard I tell you, just stupid."

He dropped Shyia causing her to scream and fall on her leg, then he rushed over to my mother and began choking her. My sister and I both cried begging him to stop but he didn't.

I ran over to my father and tugged on his shirt.

"Please stop! Stop! Please! I'll do anything, just stop fighting!" I cried, pleading for him to discontinue, and he did just that.

"Stop, please." I was still sobbing and so was my sister. He pushed me off of him harshly, then he stormed out the house slamming the door, allowing it to form a loud thud.

"Mommy daddy is mean!" Shyia cried. We both bum guard her with our tears.

"Hey! Hey stop crying. I'm okay . Mommy is okay, you hear me." She bent down and grabbed my face. "Shh you never make him cry, you stay strong." She said sternly.

"Rolanna stay strong. You too Shyia. Always stay strong, never shed a tear, you hear me?" She yelled.

"Yes." We both weeped while rubbing our eyes.

"Come here." She pulled us both into a tight hug. "Stay strong. Never cry." She let us go and stood up

"Mommy can we sleep with you tonight?" I asked.

"No, no. Go on in your room. I need a drink."

"But mo--"

"Go in your room! Now!" She screamed from the top of her lungs. I grabbed my sister's hand and we did as we were told. My mother indeed needed time to her self so we indeed gave it to her.


I woke up to my mother's piercing scream and two banging gun shots after that. My sister jumped up but I hushed her up making her lay back down. I opened our bed room door, and slowly walked out to the living. The first thing I saw was my father standing above my mother's lifeless body with his revolver aimed at her.

"Mommy?" I weeped.

He quickly turned to me, and tears fell from his eyes. I was in so much shock , all I could do was sit and stare at the tragedy. He slowly put the gun to his temple and pulled the trigger, causing his body to fall to ground.

I looked at my parents laying in their places breathless, with blood wounds covering their heads. I was too shock, crying wasn't on my mind. Because to me the image was a dream, it took years for it to become reality.

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