Chapter 22 - suprises

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Chapter 22- Surprises

N&K Written 


I was suddenly pushed from the chaotic scene that transpired in the club . A strong grip was holding onto my arm as people ran from inside .

"Stop! Let me go!" I yelled as i tried to loosen myself from the hold . I was trying my hardest to find Liberty .

"You dont need to be in the midst of that." I looked up to the man and noticed it was Cameron . I calmed down just a bit.

"Liberty is still in there!" I told him . He looked ahead towards the entrance of the building , still holding onto my arm .

"I will find her . Stay right here!"He said sternly . I nooded not sure if i wanted to obey . He scurried into the building as people continued to run out . Everyone was screaming and causing a big chaos .

What happened?

I rubbed my baby bump as I frantically watched out for any sign of Liberty . The policemen finally showed up along with an ambulance forcing everyone to leave the premises .

"Liberty!" I started yelling for her . I was scared and just needed her by my side .

"Liberty!" I yelled . I looked around my surroundings with sweat forming from my forehead .

"Aj are you okay?" Ronnie ran up to me and embraced me . Jamal wasnt too far behind .

"Im fine . Is Liberty with you?" I asked .

"No . Aj we have to vancant the premises . Just come sit in the car and we'll drive around and search for her." Jamal insisted .

"Noo! She never left the building!" I yelled as I held onto Ronnie .

"No one else is inside Aj . They already cleared the building." Jamal said as he scanned the area with a hand on his forehead.

"Lets go Aj." Ronnie begans to pull me to their car.

"No! Im not leaving without her!" I fussed . I snatched away from Ronnie and wobbled towards the entrance only to be stopped by Jamal . He stood in front of me with a blank facial expression .

"I wont leave until I find her." He told me as he stared into my eyes .

"You promise?" I sniffled .

"I promise." He hugged me then separated himself from me.

"Yall go on to the house." Jamal saids to Ronnie . She nods and grabs my hand .

"Wait . Here's her car keys." I went into my pocket and handed him Liberty's car keys.

He nodded then started walking towards the entrance .

"Come on Aj." Ronnie saids softly . I sighed and followed her to the car . I got into the passenger side as she slid into the diver's side .

"Do you think she caused this?" I asked Ronnie as she started the car .

"I hope not. Let's just go." She begin to pull off and I rubbed my belly.

"Aww me and bud is hungry.This is too damn stressing." I whined as I placed my head on my forehead.

"We'll go to red lobster. It should still be open."

"Whatever, hopefully he finds her." I begin to worry.


Aj and I sat at a table and I watched her as she devoured her fries and scrolled down her phone, with a mouth filled with food rumbling through her left cheek . She seemed concentrated.

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