Chapter 29- Alexis's Sorrow

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1 Month Later

"He is so cute." Kacey coos as she leans beside the hospital bed and gently tickles my newborn Fabian. I had him earlier this morning . Even though he's only a few hours old , I can see Jamal's features . He have his big almond colored eyes and slim nose. I fell in love with him at sight.

"When is his daddy coming to see him. the nigga missed his own son's birth." Kacey saids as she rolled her eyes .

"And I don't care. I don't need his abusive fake ass." I snap while furrowing my eyes.

She sits next to me and yawns. "Abusive? He hit you?"

"Yeah, but before I tell you what he did. Let me tell you this. We were going shopping for baby clothes and he brings ugly ass Ronnie along, so I was mad jealous. But the whole time she was around he's being fake grabbing me up, yelling at me and shit."

I sigh and continue " I was mad because I was there for him while he was going through it, that bitch moved out with out even telling but as soon as she pops her ugly ass back up talking about "I'm three months pregnant." he takes her back . that bitch busted my nose open while I was pregnant with my son so I pushed her raggedy ass down the stairs while she was pregnant, we're even." I nodded.

"Then the hoe snitches, and this nigga puts his hands on me, grabbing on me, pushing me against the wall and shit so I go off bringing up how she doesn't love him and she can't give him kids and he slaps the shit out of me bruising my damn face. So after that I came to a conclusion that me and my son don't need to be around that type of energy. I'll do this on my own."

"But his name is Fabian Anderson." She smirks as she points at his identification band that was on Fabian's wrist. "You know you love you some Jamal."

I grinned because it was it true but he really hurt my feelings after doing what he did to me. Sometimes I wish he wouldn't over look my love for Ronnie's. I some times hate that he's my first time because that's why I'm so attached. it's like I can never get over him. But I don't regret him being the father of my son at all. I just need all the time from him that I can receive, plus he haven't even called me since that day.

And when I call it goes straight to voicemail . I went by his home and it seemed to be empty . the windows were boarded up and calling Liberty didn't help because she ignored all of my phone calls. Maybe he doesn't even care for his son, is what I thought.


"Alexis why didn't you tell me any of this sooner!" My mother screams through the phone as she sobs. "Why didn't you tell mommy! Why!"

I shed tears then take a deep breath. "I didn't want to worry you mommy. I didn't want you crying over me like you are now!"

"! You should've told mommy!" I can tell she was in more pain then I was. I can hear Jahlil crying in the background, since she was babysitting him.

"Mommy take care of Jahlil. I'm fine and I'm out the hospital i'm going to be alright." I sniffled as I wiped a tear that landed under my nostril. "I gotta go mom."

"AJ dont you hang up o--"

I hung up the phone and huffed as I wiped my tears away. It's been two days since i've walked around so I took it upon myself to slowly remove my legs from off the bed. the feeling felt numb and feeble along with my feet. I dragged myself out of my bed room, then reached the living room. It smelled like weed as always. Liberty makes me sick to my stomach with that shit.

Since there's nothing better to do and I need a little exercise I might as well check the mail. I slowly bent down and grabbed the mail from the coffee table. Then walked over to the apartment door and opened it, beginning my journey to the mail room down the hall.

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