Chapter 18- Questionable

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Chapter 18- Questionable.

Niecy Written 

3 months Later

"So i'm talking to this guy . He's cute and he's Liberty's best friend. We've been talking for like three months now but we're not together . you listenin' Kacey?" I asked my bestfriend as I hugged my phone to my ear.

"I'm listening girl, come on. He's Liberty's best friend and what else, you diggin' him?"

I bit on my thumb nail and nodded my head as if she could see my action. "Yes. I'm diggin him Kay. But he has a girl."


"But his girl Ronnie, don't even love him, like she just be all up in his ear naggin. Any time dude needs to talk I'm there cause she's always workin and shit." I rolled my eyes and attached my palm to the side of my forehead.

"You talking about the girl who set up your photo shoots and shit?" She asked.

"Yeah that Ronnie. I don't like that bitch and I know she's not too fond of me either, I've just been being nice to her. In a few months it'll eight months since her sister died. And she been depressed, she's been crying in her office; so I try to be nice. I only deal with her because I fucks with Liberty and that's her home girl or whateva, so I respect her. But I got a secret."


I rubbed my eye and took a deep breath. "I kind of.....well I did; do something with her man."

"What did you do?" She asks.

"One night a few months ago, we were at Liberty's crib alone, and I-I got I sucked his dick."

I can tell her mood was changing through her breathing pattern, she's dissapointed in me. "Oh bitch. Why did you do that hoe shit?"

"Cause...I-I don't know. That night we didn't even really do it, I sucked his dick and he told me to take off my clothes and I danced for him, girl...he was feeling all over my body and I wanted him to fuck me so bad, but he didn't." I pouted.

"He sounds like he's some what faithful to his bitch. He basically used you Faye, you gave him all that he wanted and then he bounced. Like a typical fuck boy."

I rolled my eyes, and mugged the phone so hard as I took it off of my ear. "No he's not. I mean he so sweet girl, we've been hanging. Like I want more then sex from him, but once he put it down on me I know he gon be a little serious."

"Well as your friend, I'm telling you to becareful. Don't waste your time on him, if he ain't trying to put time in you. They always say their gonna leave they girl, but they don't really do that shit. Just play it smart Faye. You hear me?"

"I hear you Kay."

"Cool, I love you. Call me when you get off of work."

"Okay." I hung up and tossed my phone to the other side of my couch and started to relax, since I had to be at work soon. I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I rushed up and opened it and Jamal stood in front of me with a McDonald's bag.

"Hey." I smiled.

"What's up?" He barged inside and sat down on the couch, and made loud noises with his drink as he sucked out of it.

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