Chapter 19 - confession

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Chapter 19- Confession.

Niecy  Written 

I grabbed her by her waist before she could even get the chance to jump; She begin kicking and screaming, I held her tight trying to calm her down.

"Aj its gonna be alright! It's gonna be alright." I cried.

She sobbed, I know that her heart is filled with agony, because she wasn't in control of her emotions.

"I don't wanna be here anymore Liberty! J don't wanna be here."

"Shh. It'll be okay, its gonna get better." I laid her head on my chest and rocked her side to side, as she gripped onto my arm, and soaked it with her tears.

The feeling she was going through, only makes my heart aches. She doesn't deserve to be feeling this way.


I sat down in my bed and waited for Jamal to come home, saying the sun came before he could even make it. I know I'm wrong, I should've never worked for Ryan and the first place, then my baby wouldn't be mad at me all the time. But I just had to do it.

I heard a thud coming from downstairs, the front door was being closed. Then his heavy foot steps begin pressing againts the steps to the stairs and he entered our room, he walked pass the bed without even acknowledging me and went to the drawers and pulled out wad of cash and begin counting it.

"It's 8, who's house did you stay at" I asked as his back was facing me,

"You need some money for work this morning? " he asks , ignoring my question .

"I quit. I hope you believe me when I tell you I didn't enjoy what he did to me."

"I don't even care no more." He shook his head, while folding his money back up and shoving it into his pocket.

"Are you about to leave again?"

"Yeah. I gotta give my dad this money." He said.

I took a deep breath and stood on my two feet, then went over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing the side of it. "Why dont you care? I quit like you told me to and I blocked his number. I love you baby."

"I love you too Ronnie." He says as he rubs his face in a motion as if he was annoyed. Then he broke out of my hug to walk over to the bed and sat down. He glanced at the red bottoms on the floor, I forgot to put them back but he didn't even care, he rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smirk.

"You don't love me." I folded my arms across my chest and stared him down.

"Yes I do Ron. You just be on some bull shit, but I love you."

"No you don't. Your not saying it like you mean it...... I wanna kill myself." I pouted and begin to shed tears, and he huffed while covering his face.

"Why do you want to kill your self baby?" He asked as he wiped some crust from his eye.

"Cause you don't love me no more and your mad at me! I stayed at my job for too long and stopped being here for you and then you witnessed Ryan touching me, your never gonna forgive me."

I begin to break out in tears and shake my head. "Im sad. Because i-i-i worked all the time to keep my mind off of Shyia and the lost of the baby. I really love you, and I want to give you a matter what we do a baby is never gonna come. I can't give you anything!"

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