Chapter 12- friendly

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Chapter 12- Friendly
                                                          Niecy Written


After identifying AJ's rapist, we went to get her checked out , only to reveal that she has major vaginal injuries . The man left her with with a black eye, busted lip and more bruises that were too many to count. I tried my best to be calm, and not lash out on the guy. After he is healed, he will be sent to court and await for a trial and sentence. Hopefully he'll be sent for life .

"You really should've told us about this sooner, you know how I feel about nigga's who rape and shit. Shy's killer would be dead if I could find his ass."

She took a deep breath as she unbuckled her seat belt, her face has weariness written all over her. I can tell that night has been traumatic along with everything that Troy put her through. "I don't want to talk about it Rolanna. The important thing is that he is now caught and that I am safe. I'm fine. I'm not sweating this like you and Liberty are."

"You've been raped AJ, you should kind of be swea--"

She lifted up her hand and rolled her eyes, frustrated with my concern "I'm fine girl, alright. He didn't...he doesn't have an affect on me. I'm good, alright?"


"I need Jamal to take me to school tomorrow." She said as she opened the car door and struggled to move her legs.

"I'll take you on my way to work. He has to do somethin' for his dad in the morning. Just be up and ready."

"Okay" She slightly smiled, and forced her body to remove her self from my car. I watched as she carefully walked towards her front door and also waited to see her go in safely. I was upset that one of my close friends was going through that type abuse with a man she barely knew .


"You need to stop putting your hands on me, or i'm gonna go to the police and rat your ass out!" I yelled at him as he sat on his couch with a blunt in his mouth.

"Oh alright." He chucked as he tucked the blunt and released it, then blew out a small cloud of smoke.

I pointed to my left eye he hit me in yesterday, that was discolored and swollen"Do you see what you did to my eye."

"I got a soloution for you, stop always running your damn mouth and you wouldn't get bust in your shit all the time."

I folded my arms and strongly mugged him. I attempted to bite my tongue but there was no way that I was going to allow myself to be silenced. " So i'm suppose to sit back and be quiet while you kissing on another girl"

"Yeah, basically. You always talking to them other niggas and shit." He said in a bland tone

I sat next to him and scooted close as I squinted my eyes. "What other niggas? Who Cameron? I have never cheated on you, like you do me."

"Whatever girl. Go to bed or something." He reached over to the ashtray and put out his blunt then, then picked up his game controller that resided by it and began putting his attention on the television straight ahead.

"You like those older girls more than me?" I asked him with a straight look and I can tell that he was getting agitated but had no problem answering me. He looked down at the ground as he bit the inside of his lip then he slightly smirked.

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