Chapter 39-IN LOVE

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A few days later

       After getting Jai'marie to sleep, I watched Fabian crawl on the ground and play with his toys as I sat on the couch. Jamal was out making a run so it was just the kids and I at home, it feels like nothing changed but our relationship did for the last few days . I've witness him have another woman in our bed and I wasn't even jealous, but I do miss what we had and regret what I did every day. Since I did my hair all cute, I decided to pull out my phone and take a selfie, but then the camera showed off bruises that haven't really faded, so I just changed my mind and put the phone down. 

   I then heard a knock press against the door, breaking my train of thought. I rise from my seating. "Come on big man. let's see who's here for us." I say as I pick him up. I went to the door and looked through peep hole, only to see my best friend and her nephew. I opened the door and she gave me a blank expression as if she was unhappy to see me.

"Did Jamal do this?!" She shouts starling Fabian and I.

I slightly tapped her shoulder as she barge in and closed the door. She stared at my face with a stern frown. "The black eye and shit Ron."

It almost slipped my mind that I did not put on any make up. "Oh no, of course not."

"Then who the fuck did it?!" She shouts . She lets one year Jahlil stand beside her and shes goes into her purse then pull out his sippy cup and gives it to him.

"Ryan." I replied.

"I should've known . do I need to go beat his ass?" She ask. by her tone I can tell that she was more than serious.

"No you do not."

Jahlil sits in front of the television and I place Fabian in the bouncer beside him. Liberty sits on the couch and shake her head at what she's seeing. "So you crashin' here now." She asked

"Jamal insisted that I should stay.....only for a few weeks. I want to move to California cause its bigger things there but he doesn't want me to." I chuckle as I sit beside her, and run my fingers through my thick hair.

Her mug deepens. "I wouldn't let you go either. Why you would you want to go on that route?"

"It's a job out there that I wanted to get. I want to take Jai with me but I know Jamal won't allow that  and its bad memories here in New York you know, my family died here....I almost died here . its just too much going I just dont like being here."

She sighs . "I understand . You just want to be free for awhile . It's cool . I think that'll be best for everyone."

"I wish he would just come with me . we all can go....but for some reason I feel like he wants to stay here. You know its weird cause I see him being with two different women but it doesn't upset me for some odd i'm not jealous I'm starting to feel like I dont love him or something,..shouldn't i feel some type of way?" 

"Well Rolanna you can't force something that isn't there ." She shrugs.

"I think I still love him......we've been getting a long." I smile proudly.

"I know that love could make or break you . I know y'all still love each other . It'll just take motivation to bring y'all back together. Maybe you're not feeling some type of way because you know one day that you will have him back but honestly Ronnie , y'all need this break . Creating a friendship is probably the best for you two especially for y'all daughter." She advise, I bob my head in agreement.

"We have been friends...I gave him women advice I told him he should make Mya his main chick and Ginger his side...I hate Ginger so much. Bitch couldnt get my hair silky straight no way." I roll my eyes.

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