Chapter 35- Caught

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Few days later

"Daddy gotta go to work now." Jamal kisses Jai'marie as I hold her in my arms; were all at the front door saying our farewells to him since he was going off to work, he then places a soft kiss on my lips. "I'll see y'all when I get home."

"No you won't baby, she's going to her grannies house." I smiled down at her.

He gave me a weird expression and I sighed. "Ms.Graycen, she offered to be her grandmother. She's gonna stay there for while, you want to pick her up on your way home,"

"Yeah...I can do that." He puckers his lips and give her one more kiss as she rubs her eyes, she's sleepy after being up all morning.

"Have a good at work." I smile as I pick a piece of lint from his hat.

"You have a good day too, you better not drink nothing today." He warns.

"I won't." I giggled as I softly pushed him, he turned around and open the door and exited the house.

I grinned widely at Jai'Marie as her bright hazel eyes stared into mine. She looked so much like Jamal. "I guess it's just me and you Jai."


After dropping Jai'Marie off to Ms.Graycen's I decided to sit around all day and watch some television; even though my main focus should be working out; since I have gain a lot of wait, I still havent lost the baby fat I got from carrying Jai. I sat on the couch with, grabbed my lap top from the side table; then placed it in the center of my lap and went straight to Netflix.

My phone then begin to ring, the indenitfication revealed that it's Liberty. I got if from the other side of the couch and swiped to answer.

"Hello Ms.Hamilton, I haven't heard from you in awhile."

"Bitch I know, but guess what?" She says in a excited tone. I raise my eyerbrow and slightly smirk,

"What?" I quetioned curiouly.

"So um....David and I fucked!" She shouted from the top of her lungs in a happy tone, I took the phone off my ears, because she nearly broke my ear drum then I hugged back onto my ear.

:"David.....skinny David?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes girl, David. Oh my god...that man is a work of art I tell you. Mmm mmm!" I can tell that she was doing a glory dance on the other end, I switched the phone onto my other ear and rested my feet on the arm rest.

Are you serious?! Oooo jesus you finally got some dick, yasss girl!" I cheered for her, and it was true I have known Liberty to go while with out sex.

"I know right! Man the way he handled me .. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I couldn't seem to stop squirming . David had me pin down and everything. It was too much pleasure put against me bruh! Shit I had to fight back like get up off me! It's my turn!" She bragged.

"Ahhh!" I sticked out my tounge and bust out laughing. "Yesssss girl....I am happy for you cause you been stress it ain't nothin that dick cant cure. I have confession and since your my bestfriend you should know

"What's up?" She ask.

"I cheated on Jay and fucked around and had the worst dick of my life, but it wasnt the just wasn't worth cheating for."

She pauses ."Bitch.. Really?"

"Yeah....i drunk some 9,000 dollar champagne so i was drunk." I confessed.

I can hear Jahlil fussing in the back round as she stomps through her house."Who gave you the $9000 drink?"

"Ryan." I tell her.

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