Chapter 37

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1 Month Later


"You can just set that over there David?" I tell David as he lifts up my coffee table, he was currently helping me move some new things into my condo that I bought for Jai'Marie and I a few weeks ago . It's very roomy and I could probably stay in it until she's about five; I also bought me a new car. With my savings I accomplished to get everything I need with out asking for help, and it seemed great. But I miss waking up to Jamal, but it's over now and I have to accept it.

"You need help organizing?" David ask knocking me out of my train of thought.

"Oh no, you did enough. Go ahead and get back to your baby."I wink as I made a reference to Liberty, then walk over to Jai'marie as she sways back and forth in her swing while watching Bubble Guppies on the television.

"For sure, you need something before I go?"

I chuckle and shook my head in a humorful way, "I'm cool Dave."

"Alright, I'll get at you another time." He exits my home and I sit on the couch. After twenty minutes or so I hear a hard knock on the door, that almost startles Jai a bit. I stand up and look at her with a silly face and she giggles. I then answer the door to see Ryan standing in front of me.

"Hey." I faintly smile, not too pleased to see him.

He pushes me to the side and allows him self in. I tighten my my mouth and roll my eyes as I close the door. He sits on my couch and picks up the remote changing the Jai'marie's program to the sports channel and she begins to cry. I go into the kitchen with an attitude and begin to fix her bottle.

"Can you shut her up please?!" He questions in a angered tone.

"Just a minute Ryan." I say with a quite singing tone. After I finished preparing her bottle, I dabbed some of the milk on my hand to check the temperature, then went into the living room positioning myself in front of her swing,

"He turned off your show poo? It's okay." I coo as I unstrap her and pick her up, laying her small head on my chest. I then go into my bedroom and begin to feed her. After fifteen minutes I finish then get her to sleep, I leave out the room to see Ryan smoking a ciggarate as he laid his feet on my coffee table.

"Ryan can you not smoke . I don't want the smell to linger around the house."

He side eyes me, and released the blunt out of his mouth just a little, I watched as he rolled his eyes and the smoke trailed from between his lips. "Can you not tell me what the fuck to do? "

"Sorry." I slightly chuckle, then begin straightening up my house.

"You need to find a baby sitter . I'm going out with colleagues and I want you come." he states as he inhales the smoke.

"Um....I don't think I can do that. I want to spend time with her . She's sick and I need to take really good care of her. as of now baby" I tell him.

He bites on his lip and shrug. "You can never be there for me when I need you, that child will be alright damn." He says.

I turn around quick and give him the dirtiest look that my face could form. "I would never put you before my daughter so you can stop all of your moping right now."

"Ain't nobody moping girl." He chuckles as he stands up and places him self behind me then wraps his arm around my waist.

"I want you to come with me." He whispers in my ear, I then got fed up with keeping up with all out this so I turn around and look him in his eyes.

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