Chapter 20- nervousness

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Chapter 20- Nervousness.

Niecy  Written 

I sat on the couch and folded up Jamal's clean clothes and placed them in a basket as I hugged my phone againts my ear and waited for Faith to answer. She's the last person I wanted to call saying that I hated her, but I needed her help.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Faye? This is Ronnie." I said.

She stayed silent for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and talked. "What's up?"

"Can you clear my office out and bring everything to my place and tell Ryan to send me my check."

"No." She suprisingly said.

"And why not?" I asked, with a little bit of an attitude.

"I'm busy, and Ryan already cleared your shit out, he just waiting for you to come get it."

"Okay then bye."

She hung up without a goodbye and I rolled my eyes, but shrugged it off. Not even trying to wonder what her problem is, she's very wish washy. One minute she wants to be cool, then the next minute she's a fake bitch. But that's Liberty's friend.

Jamal entered our with a smile. "Hey baby girl."

"Hey Daddy. Ima have to go to my old job and pick up my things, I called Faith and ask can she do it but she wants to act like a bitch." I stood up and grabbed the clothes basket and placed it in his arms.

"What's all there? Do you really need it?" He asked.

"I guess not, it was just a few jackets, my desk decorations and some other things but I don't have to go back up there. But I am going to go to Shyia's grave since it's her birthday."

He nodded his head and sat the basket down. "Ronnie I need to ask you something and don't lie okay."


"Did you have another miscarrage?" He questions.

I hung my head low and swallowed hard. "Why do you ask?"

"I found some ultrasound pictures in the trash and they were recent. I thought you said you weren't pregnant baby."

"I was two months pregnant, I decided not to tell you because I went to the doctor and she basically told me the same thing she said the last time. The baby wouldn't make it to the due date. A week after that I began bleeding. I'm sorry Jamal." I bit on my lip and begin shedding tears. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"She said you could never conceive though. You see how wrong she was, you got pregnant, this baby just wasn't meant to be, were gonna keep trying alright." He kisses my forehead and we seprerated from the hug.

"Jamal we should just stop trying. I mean I can't have kids, let's face it."

He kisses my lips as I hold on to his waist. "You can and you will. Your gonna give me a lot of children okay?"

I smiled and rubbed his chin. "Okay, ima go to Shyia's grave and get my hair done. What would you like me to do it with it this time,"

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