Chap 2 - My Stepbrother

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" I'm Kate. And you?" I ask, trying to be nice. " And what are you doing in my house, Kate? Did Calvin send you? I told him I didn't want any side chicks  from him." He sighs, I looked at him with wide eyes. " Excuse me?" I raised 
My eyebrows. He thinks I'm his side chick. Yes, I'm defiantly not gonna like him, at all.

" Well. I thought y-" I interrupted him.

" Listen, whoever you are. I'm not a side chick or a booty call or whatever it's called. I'm Kate and I suppose your father is marrying my mother, so unless you want to say anything else, I suggest you leave." I snapped at him and he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

" That's what I thought" I escorted him out of my bedroom and closed the door shut.

After a few moments. My mother Luke, and That boy came into my room. I groan and looked at them.

" I see you've met your stepbrother," my mom said. I rolled my eyes.

Why me?

I just stand there completely still. I don't know what to say. I mean, I'm going to have a stepbrother. I Don't Think I Can handle it, I'm Sorry.

I Look at the guy who was just as freaked out as I am.

" Are you serious?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

Luke and My mom both smiled while looking at both of us. How could they be happy about this?

Oh my god. I'm never gonna have my privacy. " I mean you can't be this serious mom," I said and the attention is on me.

" We are serious and you guys need to get used to being around each other, cause your going to be around each other for a long time " my mom answers making me roll my eyes and sigh.

After a few moments of silence Luke and mom went down to watch a movie and I still didn't move from my exact spot.

I glance over at him and the first thing that came up in my head was.

Run. Now.

I turn around and before I could even move.

" Sooo. Katerina right?" He said making me turn around and face his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk appears on his face.

Why do people keep saying, Katerina? It's Kate freaking Kate, not Katerina. Only my mom calls me Katerina.

" It's Kate for god's sake" I correct him. Well, now we know he isn't adopted.

He kept looking up and down at me.
Wait, is he checking me out.?

" How old are you and what's your name," I asked breaking the awkwardness.

"Oh I'm 17 and I'm Mike," he says "you" he smiled.

" Me too. Well, since we're going to be a family id really appreciate you not checking me out." I snap.

Someone had to say it. I mean, he was eyeing me all the way down and it's gross if he's going to be my brother. Right?

" Who said I was checking you out?" He chuckle

" Ehm. I'm not freaking blind." I roll my eyes.

" Fine. I was checking you out. Because I think you're kinda beautiful." He said making me giggle and blush.

My StepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now